
Well Known Member
OK guys, help me out. The F-857 rear seat belt anchor assembly is made of three parts; the F-857A (prepunched part - easy), the F-857C (made from AA6-063 X 3/4 X 3/4 - I've got lots of that), and the F-857B made from AA6-125 X 1 X 1 1/2. So far, I've never even seen any AA6-125 X 1 X 1 1/2. It's not in the inventory for the empenage, not in the inventory for the wing, and not in the inventory for the fuselage.

I give up. The only thing I can find that's even got enough material to cut this out of is the AA6-125 X 1 1/2 X 2 X 30 in the fuselage kit. Anyone know where I am supposed to get this part?

I think I remember this problem and I called vans and was told to make the part out of some other chunk of metal that I had enough of. It wasnt all that long ago for me but I cant remember exactly what piece I used so I would pester vans for about 5 min just to be sure you dont use something usefull for some other project.
If memory serves me the piece you make it out of is much larger than you actually need, but can cut it right down to size.
other angle

remind me and I'll post when at home. . . I wrote on the dwg. what piece you actually use. seems there is a call-out error on the dwg, if I recall.
Had to ask the same question myself. Vans said the callout was wrong, use AA6 125X1 1/2X2X30 so you're on the right track.

Thanks. Van's told me to use the AA6-125 X 1 1/2 X 2 X 30 too. (I called them before I read your post - could have saved the call. Oh well...)

I guess I should have searched here before I ordered a pc.. Does anyone know what the rest of that angle is used for? Ever since cutting up my .063 longeron stock I'm extremely paranoid over cutting raw stock without knowing exacly what its used for.

BTW, Spruce sent me a foot of .187 instead of .125 so now I'm back to square one on making my F-857B's.

FWIW, I have not had much luck with ordering stuff from ACSpruce, they seem to screw up just about every order. There were two screw-ups in this order alone.