
Well Known Member
It's probably me, actually, I'm sure it's me but I can't find a drawing or explanation of how to build F-8103, release mechanism for the adjustable rudder pedals.

I know I'm not the first, O.K. I might be the first to not find the drawing but not the first to build this. What did you guys do? If anyone has a pick of it, or description of how you built it, Please help me out.

Haven't emailed Vans yet.


I just finished wtih F-8103 last week. The release mechanism is part of the finish kit so you will not see the call out on the page of the plans with the rudder pedals. The plans for F-8103 come with the finish kit.

In my builders manual there is a section that lists all parts and the corresponding plans on which they appear. I have these pages tacked to my shop wall.


-Mike Draper

Thank you so much Mark, it's right there on 46 just as you said. I've read the manual and looked through the plans and for some reason I never saw it. You've made my day!

Yes Mike, good call, I've got that page as well. Would have really helped if I had looked at it too. Plans page 34 points out that it's part of the finish kit on my plans as well but they sent it to me in the fuse kit. I would have never questioned it if I hadn't found the parts in the hardware kit. It's very well illustrated on the preview plans so I can build it now. Thanks.

Off to the hangar..... :)
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