
Well Known Member

Yesterday I was riveting the center spar and I found that the holes from right F-804G-1 do not much, We tried everything, both F-804G-1 fits perfect on the left side but no in the right. Like I should not drill this holes again in the center spar, because they suppose to match with my wings. I am thinking that the solution will be just to remove 1,5 mm from the top of F-804G-1 and the holes will fit perfect, but my question is would be ok to do this or that will make my center spar to be weaker???

I will be waiting for your advises

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I had the same problem. In the same location. And Vans was okay with removing material from the F804G spacer to provide clearance.Their only caution was to not remove too much material - try to keep the spacing consistent with the other (one that fits). Also make sure you put some form of corrosion protection back on after removing the material - primer, alodine...

Jerald King
Tucson -8