
Well Known Member
Has anyone else had trouble with the flap actuator covers lining up correctly with the F-785A backrest brace?

If I drill the holes that attach the covers to the vertical backrest brace, the two top holes will only partially go through the flange on the backrest. In addition, the aft edges of the covers don't even come close to being even with the vertical plane of the backrest.

Any suggestions?
yep...had that problem

I ran into a similar situation on my 9A fuse. Ended up redrilling the panel holes to fit. Mine were off just enough to preclude attachment, but the boo-boo is hidden beneath the larger head screws that I have used for attachment. They are just closeout covers, and provide no structural support. Everything fine at 50 hours.

Fit, Not Structural

Thanks Chris:

Ya, I figured they were not structural, but the fit on this part is really sloppy, and if Van's can provide a better fitting part; I would prefer to go this way.

Probably not

I am aware of other builders that have had issues with those parts. For some reason there seems to be a lot of variables in geometry that affect the fit of the covers. I would be willing to bet that if you order replacement covers, they will be identical to the ones you have right now. Similar issues arise when fitting floor pans and those flap inspection covers on the rear sides, but to a lesser degree. You may want to consider making up a set from sheet that fit perfectly if you are unable to "fix" the ones you have.
More "adventures in aircraft construction" to come....

Regards, and good luck,
Good to Go


After staring at the issue a bit more, I realized that I installed the bracket that attaches the flap actuator channel to the cross cockpit bulkhead upside down! That changed the geometry by just enough to have the back holes on the covers misalign.

Thanks for the input Chris. I just needed to think about this some more.


I also owe Van's an apology for saying the flap cover fit was sloppy! Turns out it was my error. I should have known.
Flap Actuator side covers

I had the same problem, but it's not in the covers, the backrest brace or the actuator channel. It's all in that **** little F-767. If the actuator channel is not at the correct angle (Exactly) of course the cover holes won't align. Screw the actuator channel and covers to the floor and the covers to the front channel. Bend the F-767 to the angle shown on the plans, but leave it a bit long on both ends. Clamp it in place, drill and trim as required. Maybe a better way, but mine is installed and all is good :D