
Well Known Member
Ok new question.
I'm fitting the F-7101 Gear Attach Web and F-902 Forward Bulkheads. No problem.
Earlier when fitting the F-717 Lower Longerons, the manual said to leave the aft end clamped to the F-704 bulkhead. So none of the side skin to F-717 holes are drilled.
Now seems like a good time to match drill them through the side skins and F-7101 but there's no mention of it reading forward.
I hate making scrap so a little help please.
Drill now or is there some reason to wait?
Hi Larry,

My notes are bit hazy on this op, but if I remember right, I did the drilling around the time of the fitup of the F-7101's. Once the gear attach web is in place, and the floor stiffeners were in, everything was tight and happy. Drilled it then, disassembled the whole forward fuse, deburr, prime, paint, and so on. It fit together very nicely during riveting.