
Well Known Member
Two questions for you guys.

On my plans (7A), it shows a 1/4 inch spacer bolt going through the two F-704 bulkheads, however nowhere do I see that it specifies the length of these bolts. I'm sure it is somewhere; can you direct me?

Also, after installing the gascolator bracket on the cabin side of the firewall in the recommended location, including the 3 holes, I've decided not to use a gascolator (FI engine). Wondering what the best way is for me to make the integrity of my firewall whole again. The best option I could think of is to rivet a piece of stainless steel over the holes, on the engine side of the firewall. If I do this, what type of rivets should I use (doesn't make sense to me to use aluminum rivets)? Are there better options than what I'm planning (you creative types)?
On DWG 11 for the -7 they are shown in the "Center Section Assembly Top View" (upper left) as an AN4-34A.
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