Great. I can't thank you enough for you very detailed website.

Something I just don't feel like updating mine but knowing that it may help others pushes me!

I've got a question : where are you going to install the soundproofing material?
Your welcome Philippe!

I went to an aircraft soundproofing workshop at OSH. The presenter was from He had a lot of good tips about soundproofing your aircraft. They have many good articles on aircraft soundproofing on their website. After I went to the workshop, I toured the A-380 and saw some of the same stuff he talked about. I am going to get the vinyl nitrile sheets with self-adhesive back from Aircraft Spruce and cover every interior (sheet metal) surface inside the cockpit area. 1/4 inch in the baggage area and 1/2 inch in the forward area. Every since I lined the inside of my air compressor box with foam rubber, I've become a believer in it's noise reduction capability.

Have a goodun!