
Active Member
After a layoff of about 3 years, I'm back to working on my RV6 TipUp.

It seems like I almost have to relearn everything I thought I knew about airplane construction. Anyway, I'm working on the canopy structure and I've got a question re: the F606. It's not like Vans to put an indent in a bulkhead without a reason but I don't see what the recess at the top of the F606 is there for. I realized it when I was drilling the F-688 to the bulkhead and didn't look closely enough when I was drilling.

A second question has to do with the F632b bracket. The plans call for a 100 deg bracket. How have people formed this bracket in the past? It's called out on page 33 of the plans, far right side of the page. Here is a picture of what I'm talking about.

The pictures are a little tilted due to the rotisserie that I've built to work on the fuselage.


Mike Nellis
RV6 Fuselage out of the jig.

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Well, it looks like I should have read all the other posts first since the F632b bracket issue is addressed.

Thanks to JSSharkey for the reference to SB SB05-1-1 that shows how the -7 is built. Much, Much easier and, as always, the newer style plans are tons easier to interpret.
Darned if I know why there is a joggle in the 606 bulkhead halves?

However I formed the 100 deg angle by holding one flange in a vise and levering the other with a Stanley Wonderbar - although any other suitable lever would do:) See below for final result!
jsharkey said:
Darned if I know why there is a joggle in the 606 bulkhead halves? .....
Wonderbar - although any other suitable lever would do:) See below for final result!

Thanks for the xplanation. The construction is very vague here and, while I've got the GBI tapes, he's building the 6a and doesn't cover this topic (at least not through tape 2).

I've printed the -7 Service Bulletin and I'm going to implement that system.
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A second question has to do with the F632b bracket. The plans call for a 100 deg bracket. How have people formed this bracket in the past? It's called out on page 33 of the plans
Mike Nellis

I never did like that part.
But to form it, I laid it over a 1" dia bar and hit it with a hammer. It came out right on! Now it's in the scrap drawer. It really was useless for what it's job was to be. The revision is GOOD! And is much easier to install.

Now let's fix the nose wheel plow. :eek:

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