Tom Gan

Checked previous posts on the site and I didn't see this particular question posted. I have an RV9-A QB Wings & Fuselage. The plans indicate to make the Fuel Pump doubler out of .063 2004-T3 Alclad. I went through the packing list and cannot find any piece of sheet alclad that is big enough to make the part. Plans call for 2 15/16 x 3 7/16 so I looked for something that was at least 3" x whatever long. There were only a few 063 sheets on the list and they were either too small or had parts numbers specified in the description.

If someone went through this similar issue please let me know what item on the packing list was used as I'm scratching my head on this one. Is it possible that this is included in another kit such as the finishing kit or firewall forward kit. I can work around it for now as the assembly sequence is not critical but it appears that this is not included in the QB wings / fuselage.
I'am a QB9A. Ibelieve that there is a kit for this I'am thinking because I bought the Andair fuel pump and Vans said i have to buy the kit or housing for the Andair. Now i havent checked to see if VANS unit is in the QB kit but i think i paid about $90 for the Andair kit from Vans. I also took back the VANS fuel valve and bought the Andair one from Vans website. If you ever need pieces of scrap sheet metal have Vans sell you some in different sizes and thicknesses. It sells by the lb. Sizes are a foot or smaller. Ron in Oregon
The fuel pump doubler was already installed in my QB 9A bottom of f'wall, behind the removable cover plate on the center cover.

And BTW, if you're going injection, don't bother installing the gascolator doubler on the R side of the firewall. Not needed.
Thanks guys,
Well my QB does not have it installed and I'm going carborator so the Andair high pressure fuel pump isn't necessary. I did get the Andair fuel selector and am returning the stock one from Vans. Guess I will order some sheet metal. Thanks for the posts.