
What side of the firewall have the flush heads for the F-601Z Aux Fuel Pump Doubler Plate rivets? I understand that the nutplates are on the forward side, but the plans seem to be in error as they call for the doubler plate rivet flush heads on the aft side of the firewall (pump side), contray to the other rivets on the firewall.

For those that have installed the FACET fuel pump, would there be any interference with the fuel pump if the "shop" side of the rivets were on the aft side of the firewall (flush heads on the forward firewall side as the others)?

I'd like to keep the forward side of the firewall as smooth as possible.
I just did this... had to remake the plate because i countersunk the wrong side! According to the plans the plate should have teh flush heads on the AFT side... i.e. the side of hte plate that the fuel pump will actually sit against.
F-601-Z AUX Pump Doubler Plate

Looking at the pump, it appears that it will fit in between the rivets so any problem having the flush heads on the forward side of the firewall?

Anyone have the FACET pump mounted on the doubler plate this way?