David Paule

Well Known Member
I'd initially thought that the c-channel that spaces the vertical sides of the spar bulkhead was too fat at 1.125 inches. The gap between the front and rear parts of the bulkhead has to be 1.063 inches wide to allow the spar to fit in. So the 1.125 dimension worried me, since the c-channel fits in between the uprights.

Turns out no problem - it's okay. The bulkhead front and back is something like .032 each, so added up that's about 1/16 inch, and that's what the c-channel is.

Just another place where I needed to slow down and think harder.

And I'm still not done with the wings but I had a break where I was waiting on something and these parts were in the shop, so I was taking a look at them.

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I have built my center section before I started the wings, because I was curious if and how these things go together. In the end it turned out fine. There was only one thing. When they drilled the bulkhead parts assembled with the main spar and the splice plates at the factor, they didn't buff the sharp edges of the splice plates, so these knife edges left some marks in the bulkhead parts. I was not so happy with these marks, but I was able to remove them with the Dremel and some of these dentist abrasive rubber tools.
The edges of the splice plate were rounded with the scotch-brite -wheel.

.... the finished center section.

... and one more hint. I read somewhere that the splice plates must be in the fuselage , fixed with some duct tape to the center section, because when the fuselage is built, there is no way to put the splice plates in position.

Spar plates

I have just done the final bolts for the wing attach and I found the plates fitted ok. When I assembled the fuse I was carefull to make space in the ribs around the plate area.
On mine, the floorboards between the seat pan and F303 are removable. That gives you full access to the splice plates.