
Well Known Member
Alright ,ready to attach F303 spar attach bulkhead I am building this station in a hard jig with a precise floor so I am building this station in place, I would like to not install the f303f The 2 5/8"strip that holds the f303 half's together if you premake this station. I am wondering if there is any structural concerns in omiting this part. The advantage in omitting it is better fits and more purchase on the forward corner angles and nicer fitting joggles on the aft side ribs. for the traverse loads I can't imagine it adding strength to the spar bars that are almost in contact with it. In the longitudinal there is a possible tiny reduction but there is a 2 3/4 lap joint held together with 50 rivets that is .072" thick. I think I would prefer to ommit it and have better fitting attaches in the corners What do you think?
I'd leave it in. It adds some bending load effectiveness across the spar splice and it's on the tension side, so it matters. Also it's primary structure and we don't mess with primary structure.

However, I don't see any reason why it can't be added later. Just make sure that the same number and sizes of rivets are used; there are two sizes involved.

For an authoritative answer, though, call Van's.

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I would leave it in too. I used a small tapered shim under the forward skin in the corners.

Well, at the risk of being flamed, I left it out, much better fit. Neither the 6 or the 8 I built had this piece, three layers in this location was way over kill in my opinion.
Thx for the response

you know Dave I decided to too much better fit but more difficult to assemble, A smart guy at Vans said it did nothing and I looked at a 4 it has it with only 1 layer of floor material I decided to leave it out too and everything else in the corners fit much nicer. no shims, I will acknowledge it is easier to square up as an assembly thx for the response