
Well Known Member
I know that a number of builders received center section bulkheads that were missing one hole and had another one undersized on F-1204. Although I received a later fuselage shipment (late November), mine is the same way- I apparently received an early production center bulkhead but did not receive the addendum detailing what to do (thanks Jerry for sending me a scan of the drawing you received).

I know that Vans instructed those with missing holes to add the missing hole and enlarge the other to .750. However, has anyone else that had to do this noted that the one that is undersized is not centered appropriately according to the drawings? In looking throughout the fuselage plans, I cannot determine what this hole will be used for- does anyone else know? My concern is that it may not line up appropriately if just opened up- particularly if it has a control cable that might end up rubbing on the edge of the snap bushing.

Has anyone else (Jim Cone perhaps) explored this further with Vans? I will try and call them tomorrow but figured someone else probably noted this already.
Follow-up to F-1204 bulkhead hole location

Thought I would post a follow-up to my earlier question about the batch of F-1204 center bulkheads that had one missing and one undersized hole. I checked with Van's builders support regarding the location of the undersized hole (the one that is supposed to be 3/4"). They indicated the location is not critical-this one will apparently be used for wiring. I was told I could either open it up centered where it is or open it toward the center of the bulkhead to keep the snap bushing off the flange for the adjacent seat rib. I elected to do the latter and it worked just fine.
F-1204 hole problem

JTE, when did you discover the missing hole? I ran into this today when installing the snap bushings called for on pg. 21-14. I have assembled the fuselage to this point and am uncertain about the best way to drill the holes now with the bulkhead in place. Any suggestions?
F-1204 holes


I was lucky- I was just getting ready to attach the seat floor/rib assemblies to the forward portion of the center section when I noted the missing and undersized hole. Hence, I was able to do it while there was nothing attached to F-1204 to get in the way.

I am out of town and don't have my plans so I don't remember the exact page but sounds like you already attached the seat floor assemblies? Definitely easier to drill/enlarge without any obstructions. I think you should still be able to add the missing hole without much difficulty but enlarging the other (which is very close to a rib) might be a bit of a challenge. I am not an expert here and perhaps Van's could suggest a method for doing this in close quarters. Good luck! Feel free to send my a private message if you have additional questions.
History Lesson F1204 Bulkhead

JTE, I'm at that satge and just noticed missing hole. I have checked all my stuff and find no record of ever having received drawing for correction from Vans. Do you (or anyone else) have a copy you can send me? I will also contact Vans but it is the weekend.
Jim D
F-1204D hole placement

Jim ? Below is a photo posted on my Blog March 29th 2014 showing where the wire grommet hole needs to be located on the F-1204D bulkhead.


Additionally, you may also need to drill another wire hole in your F-1202B instrument panel base. Mine only had two wiring holes and three are required now ? which is why I?ve included the Blog post date because I also have a photo showing the location for that hole as well in the same Blog posting.

Hope this helps ?Happy Building,
F-204 Main Centre Section

John, Thanks for your response. This throws up another issue I was not aware of but from your blog I believe this relates to the ADSB option and Section 53. I will follow this up and hopefully drill necessary holes for this option as I did for the Skyview update.

HOWEVER, this is not the issue I'm trying to get info on. I'm talking about the main centre section channel with bulkhead attached F-1204. On early models (of which mine is one) there was a hole missing and another undersized. As per my previous post there was apparently a drawing issued by VANs to correct this but I do not have a copy.

I'm also a bit concerned there may be knock-on effects from this on the F-1204D and F-1206A bulkheads.

Copy of your Section 53 pdf would be appreciated anyway. (nilved(at sign)globalnet.co.uk)

Bottom skin on hold until I resolve this issue.


Jim D
Section 53 sent

Jim- I thought the Figure 1 drawing for the additional grommet hole placement on the F-1204A was also there. My bad ? mine had this hole, so guess because it was not an issue for me I did not post a photo of it ? thought I did. Will send you the section 53 ? you will need to look at figure 1 on page 53-03.

Any way, you have mail.