
Well Known Member
On page 8-64 it says to make 2 (or 4 for fuel injection) F-1048E Fuel cradle pads, but from what? Do I use some of the 12' of the Wing Root Seal? I can't find any reference anywhere to this. It's also on DWG 82, Detail F. :confused:

Without looking at the plans I think they are for the Vans type fuel pump . You might not need them depending on the fuel pump used .
A call to Vans might help if my answer didn't
Yes, you are correct...

Yes, you make the fuel cradle pads from the wing root seal. You cut the single edge down, lengthwise (I did it with scissors and it came out fine). It is what I just finished working on in the last week - so there should be some pictures on my log within the last few sessions. But you are on the right path.