
Well Known Member
With my tail kit construction drawing to a close (riveting the aft deck components today), I realized this morning that I still have the two F-1037A angles sitting on my shelf.

I couldn't find any mention of them beyond page 10-02 where they're separated from the battery angles and drilled ?". Have I stupidly missed something essential? Where & when do these angles get utilized?
Those get used much later on when you make the elevator bellcrank assembly. It's section 36 and referred to as bellcrank angles there.
Section 36 is titled "Aileron and Elevator Systems". Below is what that area looks like from page 36-06 that Nova_RV refers to. You can see those angles serving as the pivot point for the F-00067 Bellcrank.


Image from when I initially installed my pitch servo.
Great; thanks, guys!

I'll just put those angles aside for six months or so and keep plugging.
Ha! That's exactly what I said too when I finished my empennage. Now, 15 months later I'm still working on the wings!
Ha! That's exactly what I said too when I finished my empennage. Now, 15 months later I'm still working on the wings!

Well, I finished an early, standard -8 kit in 25 months, so I'm shooting for 18-20 on the -14A's vastly improved kit. The empennage has taken less than two months and I'm hoping for around four months on the wings, four on the fuselage, four more on the finishing kit, and four or five more on firewall forward, final assembly, etc. Even if I'm off a bit, I should still beat the old 25 month "record". Flying, tested, and painted at SnF '20...

That said, I'm absolutely open to the possibility of having to eat my words sometime next year! :D
Hi Ken,
That's impressive! The only yardstick I have is my own project. I didn't have any idea how labor intensive the wings would be. I'm a bit over 800 hours in the project as a whole, and somewhere around 600 of that has been in the wings. And I still have to finish the pitot mast installation with its wiring harness and plumbing, the magnetometer mount, bottom skins, flaps, ailerons, linkages, VOR antenna, and tips. I'm hoping I'm done with the wings by Christmas this year, or about a year longer than my original 6-month estimate. This is the biggest, most labor intensive and expensive project I have worked on in my life. It will be imminently satisfying to me when I finish.
This is the biggest, most labor intensive and expensive project I have worked on in my life. It will be imminently satisfying to me when I finish.

Yep. People who haven't completed a major project (for which our RVs certainly qualify) have absolutely no idea of what's involved. All those gorgeous showplaces on the flight line at an airshow didn't just happen... :)

In addition to my old -8, I've worked on a few other projects over the years (Model 12 Pitts wings, '69 Triumph Bonneville restoration, Ultima GTR build, and lots of other smaller undertakings), so I feel as though I have at least a reasonable basis for my -14A time estimate. Of course, I could be completely deluded, but you'd have to check with my wife... :rolleyes:

I'm off to the garage to finish inventorying my wing kit...