
Well Known Member
I'm not sure what side to dimple the #30 holes next to the slots in the tunnel. Page 27-02 says to dimple flush the outboard side. Not sure I understand what they mean. Do they mean the outboard side as you are looking at the picture or do they mean outboard side, as in the outside of the airplane, which I think would be on the inside of the two parts. I tried looking ahead, but I haven't found what gets riveted there. If I had to take a guess, I would think that it would be the outboard side as depicted in the picture, which would be on the inside of the airplane. I'm probably overthinking this, but I don't want to wind up with dimples on the wrong side a few hundred steps down the line.
Outside = outside of the tunnel dimpled inwards so the tunnel face will be smooth when the flush pull rivets are installed later.
Thanks Steve and Chris. I didn't have a clear understanding of that section and the pictures showed it really well. Excellent looking project there Steve!