
Well Known Member
I just purchased an Eye-Fi SD card for my digital camera, and I've found it to be the best tool ever for maintaining a current builder's log.

For those who haven't heard of this device, the Eye-Fi is an SD memory card just like any other, but it has a built in wireless network adapter. When it's all set up, the Eye-Fi automatically transmits images from your digital camera to your home computer via the wireless network. The software automatically creates folders on your computer based on the date the photo was taken, so it's easy to keep track of your progress as you build.

I don't have any ties to Eye-Fi, but I thought I'd share this product with the group, because it seems to be a great timesaver in managing photos for your builder's log.

I bought the middle-of-the road 4GB X2 card for a little less than $50 on Amazon. Network setup was a little flaky, but once I got through that, it worked brilliantly.

For more info, visit their website:
I have one too

I like them so much, all three of my cameras have one. As long as there is a wifi connection, you'll never run out of space on your camera.
We had an Eye-Fi card in our camera that was recently lost and now I'll never be without one. Since the pictures go automatically whenever the camera is within WiFi range, the pictures are not left on the memory card for months. I have them sent to our home computer and an online Picassa folder. My wife's father recently passed away and we had lots of priceless pictures of family on the camera. If we hadn't had Eye-Fi, those pictures would be gone forever as I'm sure we wouldn't have manually transfered them yet. She actually cried tears of gratitude that the pictures weren't lost! The new Canon camera we ordered is an Eye-Fi connected camera with enhanced Eye-Fi features.
This is great!

I was just thinking about how nice it would be to have a camera that would send the images to my computer. Looks like this is the answer! Thanks for posting!