
Well Known Member

To the tune of "Real Men of Genius"..................

Announcer: Budweiser Presents: Real Men of Genius

Today we salute you, Alex P, Mr. Minor Leak Overreaction Guy. Not satisfied with simple solutions to avoid a small rain leak in the hangar, you feel compelled to do major surgery to the plane to create a "leak path" thru the airframe.

Singer: "That's a lot of screws to remove!"

Alex, absolutely nothing will keep you from keeping that nastiest of liquids, di-hydrogen oxide, from touching your precious paint job.

Singer "Isn't that just water"

For your dedication to airframe integrity, Bud Light salutes you, Mr. Minor Leak Overreaction Guy.........

Announcer: "Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis, MO"

We have a small leak in our hangar that sometimes frustrates Mr Alex. While you or I might move the plane a few inches or put a towel on the wing, this guy executes the nuclear option......

Clearly more to the story........................
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Sitting at breakfast with a mouthful of cereal laughing my tail off. Thanks for starting my day off on a good note!
Good thing it isn't over the canopy!!... I have rain leak in same spot as you, but have been successful with a coffee can set on the wing. I tried moving the plane, but then its just no fun. Your pre-flight must really be time consuming!
Hey, I like the donation idea! We can help the slum lord fix the roof! (tee hee hah, I won't say who that is, will I...). The pro-seal is almost cured, so the tank will go back on soon, which means the roof leak needs to be fixed!

BTW, during an annual, I'd set my Bose headset out on the now missing fuel tank. Guess where the water nailed square? Yep, 3600 square feet hangar, and it found the 1/8 of a square foot the headset was on!

Pete's good humor aside, I had a bad sending unit, which has been acting flaky for some time now. There is a pretty good groove worn in the board, not sure if that is the problem or not. I changed the flop tube at the same time, since it hasn't seen the light of day for quite a few years now...