
Well Known Member
Since Doug declared it is 'mod day' how about a single seat RV-8!
Inspired by the Cutaway Drawing thread today, I thought this would be fun.

Be gentle it's just a crude sketch in MS Paint, I'm not patient enough to do that fancy Photoshop™ stuff.
Wouldn't it be cool! Impractical and probably overly complicated, but cool! :cool:
Kinda like a Rocket III.

We could even do an open cockpit version for Doug!;)

From this:

To this:
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Actually there is a single seat Harmon Rocket being built in Idaho with a 450+hp IO-540 to compete at Reno. It looks a lot like your drawing. Don
Extreme RV8

An extreme machine like that deserves to have some awesome tailart! Anyone else vote for the tail art posted by markerthebarker recently. :D
Why not start small?

Like build the first one with a Lycoming IO-720.

Its eight cylinders only produce 400 HP and 597 pounds. Any of the engine builders should be able to improve on that measly 400 HP.

Heck, they only cost $112,697 new.

Hello ECI, are you reading this?

I think I just heard Van hitting the floor after his heart attack. :eek:
Roll rate should be phenomenal since you'll only need about three feet of wing per side - that might help with ultimate G-loads as well - bending moments will be way down.

Still might have that pesky flutter issue, but I'm sure someone can solve that! ;)
With a 600+ HP V8:D:eek::D

Like build the first one with a Lycoming IO-720.

Its eight cylinders only produce 400 HP and 597 pounds. Any of the engine builders should be able to improve on that measly 400 HP.

Heck, they only cost $112,697 new.

Hello ECI, are you reading this?

I think I just heard Van hitting the floor after his heart attack. :eek:

Aw c'mon :)...let's go for it, I just saw a V-12 on a Thunder Mustang that was getting it's wiring installed yesterday here at Stead. 6 stacks per side, and 1000 HP! Yeow!!

It wasn't that much bigger than an 8...I'm sure we could make it fit! ;)

I didn't ask how they say, if ya gotta ask...(and I can't!)

Now this would make a good episode of EMO or How It's made!

Duct tape ...... (needed for post length)

In some circles known as "600 mph tape". Actually, that might be that shiny aluminum sticky tape found in Home Depot's Aviation/HVAC department. I know I've seen it on the outside of jets in the past.

That drawing looks a lot like the Exxon Flying Tiger btw. Your windshield looks better though!:D
Bob, yep, saw that plane when we went to the races.

Engine looks a bit like this?????

Ats the one Mike. Intake is of course a bit different, and the exhaust stacks are chrome and curve back a bit, but it's a Falconer beast allright. The TM you saw is for sale now...I didn't ask on that one either...

The brand-spankin new engine I saw is on the next project (and there are a couple in work in there!).

The gent wiring it smiled when he saw me drooling over it and said, "Gives a whole new meaning to 'Fly Low-Go Fast-Turn Left', eh!" :) The 1000HP version is the race engine, while the "stock" version he pointed out on the bench is what he called the "ferry" engine. How'd ya like to have that budget for your 10!?!

Very cool motor, and what a nose this theorectical 8 would have with 12 stacks and a 4-bladed prop...wonder how much ballast we'd have to put in the tail!?! ;)

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Ok, you guys are nuts. When do we start?

We'll need .032 tail skins, probably some intermediate ribs for torsion.
A clipped EVO wing modfied to accept the 15x5.00x5 Desser tires retracted via Glasair III MG assemblys.
Grove brakes...
We can put the battery pretty far aft, along with the powerpack for the gear.
Probably leave flaps out of the picture as well.

Oh, yeah, I haven't considered ANY of this before. Bad news is, we still would only be in the bottom of the gold race, not even close to super sport. I'd also be going with the Orenga V8 over the Falconair V12 :).
In some circles known as "600 mph tape". Actually, that might be that shiny aluminum sticky tape found in Home Depot's Aviation/HVAC department. I know I've seen it on the outside of jets in the past.

It's really quiet expensive aluminum tape that is used for temporary aircraft repairs usually to get back to a mx base. I'm sure Home Depot Aircraft Division probably doesn't stock it.. It's several hundred bucks a roll.
Mod RV-8 W/ Radial

How about an RV-8 with a radial engine in front? Maybe one of those 300 HP MP-14 ? Probably would need a longer nose. Sure would be pretty and think of how it would sound.
How about an RV-8 with a radial engine in front? Maybe one of those 300 HP MP-14 ? Probably would need a longer nose. Sure would be pretty and think of how it would sound.

I've always wondered how a fastback -8 would look with the 150 HP.

Build it light and you probably won't give up much performance over a 180 HP -8.

It would kind of look like a P-47.

I've always wondered how a fastback -8 would look with the 150 HP.

Build it light and you probably won't give up much performance over a 180 HP -8.

It would kind of look like a P-47.

Now yer talking Bill, Bill and Ox...

Let's add gull wings and cooler inlets to get the Corsair look and whistlin' death sound, and...

Hmmm, how many mods is that so far, and when does "mod day" officially end (or does it ever?)! :)
