
Well Known Member
Does anyone know if EF-603 and EF-604 are used in the -9? They are bent brackets and showed up the the flap hardware bag.

I ask because it's unusual for Vans to provide extra manufactured parts....
Got the Same

I am building a 7A and got the same bracket in my kit. Have no idea where the bracket is supposed to go. I have the flap motor installed and see no reason to use the bracket.
Anybody figure out what they're for? Retrofit from manual to electric flaps, perhaps? I'm building a 7A, same thing here. Can't find them on any drawing, no idea what they're for... :)
You should have received a 2 page 'Installing the RV-6/6A Electric Flap' set of instructions that include an 8 1/2 by 11 inch drawing of the flap motor assembly that shows the EF-603 & 604 brackets and where they go.
You should have received a 2 page 'Installing the RV-6/6A Electric Flap' set of instructions that include an 8 1/2 by 11 inch drawing of the flap motor assembly that shows the EF-603 & 604 brackets and where they go.

Thanks! Found it...retrofit instructions, so I had them tucked away somewhere else. At least now I *know* those parts aren't used on my -7A! :)