Well Known Member
Well today I made my first big mistake. It could be an $85 mistake that took about 2 seconds to make. I was on a roll dimpling my VS skin and didn't quite have the skin set on the bottom male dimple when I whacked it.

The result was several choice words I wouldn't say in front of my mother and this extra hole. Is there anything I can do to save this skin? To give it some context, the hole connects to the front spar and is about 4 down from the top of the VS.

Make it look like it's supposed to be there...

...drill two new holes between the "oops" hole and dimple and rivet as per the others. It will then be at least as strong as the plans standard. Either leave the "oops" hole "as is" or use a unibit to open it out enough to a clean hole that removes the "evidence" and any future stress raisers. It will be backed up by the the rib flange and or covered by filler/paint.

Build on McDuff!

Jim Sharkey
Will any builder who has completed their RV and hasn't made at least one "figure eight" or "double hole" please raise their hand? I see very few hands up.....

Flatten the dimple and put a hole on either side along the rib as Jim said, and it will be just fine as an airplane. If you want perfection of course, you can order a new skin, but it is not necessary.

One boo boo here...another there.....and another....and another. Before you know it you'll be naming the plane 'Boo-Boo'.

Of course you want a new skin.

Will any builder who has completed their RV and hasn't made at least one "figure eight" or "double hole" please raise their hand? I see very few hands up.....

Flatten the dimple and put a hole on either side along the rib as Jim said, and it will be just fine as an airplane. If you want perfection of course, you can order a new skin, but it is not necessary.

Been there done that! Trust me.. this early in the game, do what the other guys have said and flatten it out, and make 2 holes on either side. Later down the road, you can fill it in and you will never know it was there. If you nit-pick this early in the game a replace the skin because of one oops... its going to be an EXPENSIVE build by the time you fly. Just move on, there are more to come. :)
Thanks a lot for all the comments. I'll attempt to flatten the dimple and drill holes on either side. Though dimple-flattening is something I have not explored yet either. I'll have to make use of that handy Search feature. To everyone on VAF, this is the best builder reference out there! I've done countless hours of research on this site before buying my tail kit last week. You guys are awesome!
I made stupid mistakes early on and replaced parts. I've learned from my experience but, at this point, I'd just fix it as others suggested.

Though dimple-flattening is something I have not explored yet either.

I have had success with using a pair of flat rivet sets in my
DRDT, they will probably work in a "C" frame also.

Try on scrap first.