
Unrepentant fanboy
I met a gentleman at the Reno Air Races who does refurb's and engine conversions on business jets, and does a lot of custom fiberglass parts. He was very interested in pursuing an aftermarket bolt-on wingtip fiberglass fuel tank for the experimental market, specifically for the RV market due to its high market share in the experimental world.

Realizing that there is much more talk than action by way too many people, I made no promises and gave him no names - but I will post his info here and anyone that may be interested in giving him dimensions/patterns/ideas can contact him and work with him directly. For myself, I have already decided I'm going to run extended range tanks in the outboard leading edge, so this is not for me.

The gentlemans name is Alden Andre, he is with Clifford Development out of Troutdale, Oregon, voice number 877-550-3544, cell number 503-929-8814, email [email protected]