
Well Known Member
I've recently bought a 6a fuselage kit from a guy in Seattle WA and am trying to get it to new zealand. The kit is basically unstarted and is several years old. I've struck a couple of problems re paperwork, maybe someone on here can help...
Firstly the shipping agent won't handle items bought through online auction (which this wasn't) as they have had "great issues getting shippers to complete the documentation required by US customs for export". Having seen the Shippers export declaration form I'm not surprised! Also a commercial invoice and packing list is required, the invoice in particular being awkward after the passage of a few years. A suggestion on the packing list was to list it as a kit, hopefully not requiring a detailed breakdown. They have also queried if the shipment is personal or commercial, I have not yet had a response after I answered personal, as it is a sale between two individuals. The guy selling it has been great with packing etc but I think he's as overawed as I am with the paper side.
Any help would be appreciated!
With the builder number, call VAN'S and get a bill of sale................ He has no porblem exporting...
So often the obvious answer is the easiest to overlook! Good point, and thanks.
Now for the rest of the paper war...