Well Known Member
Would anyone here who’s recently obtained their Repairman certificate for the aircraft they have personally built please chime in on exactly what the FAA needs from you durning your visit to the FSDO.
Making my appointment for the big day and want to make sure I have right amount of proof, documentation, proper colored pens, Hair combed right, etc. I heard different stories from questioning under a very bright light to just obtaining the certificate a matter of a few minutes. I just don’t want to forget anything they might want to see. Those guys can be very, very picky.
Please no guessing, third party stories, article’s you’ve read. Somebody out there must have gotten a certificate in the last few months that can shed a little light on this.
Thank you :)
Here you go!

Many of the FAA Inspectors are working from home now, so some procedures may be different. Call your FSDO and ask how they are currently handling it. Below is the "normal" procedure.

To apply for your repairman’s certificate, call your local FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) and make an appointment with an airworthiness inspector. Take the following documents with you and be prepared for a short interview.

FAA form 8610-2 (application).
“Airman’s Bill of Rights” statement, Signed.
FAA form 8130-12 (eligibility statement) Signed and notarized.
A copy of your airworthiness certificate.
Aircraft logbook showing the airworthiness sign off.
An inspection checklist showing how you will conduct the condition inspection on your aircraft.
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Historically, some FSDOs / inspectors have had their own interpretations of things. So beyond what's listed, I suggest seeking out the local scoop from someone who's had it done at the same FSDO.
Got mine recently in AL, and it was painless. Didn’t need to see any builders log, or photos. Simple.
My local FSDO called me on a Monday morning, I sent them a link to my online blog, provided all the paperwork and I had my repairman certificate two days later. As far as I know, they are not doing in person interviews, so the more info you can provide them the better.
Thank you Gentlemen

I have a much clearer view now. Hoping to have an experience as nice as Steve , but will prepare as Mel suggested. Thanks Mel, I was only aware of the FAA form 8610-2. I may have gone in there un-prepared without your help depending on what my local FSDO requires. :)

Hi Tom,
Are you using GSO FSDO? They have always been a good group to work with and have done a bunch of RV's in the past, including mine. I didn't get a repairman since I'm already an AP/IA . Come visit us at 8A7 when you get out of phase 1. We have 2 6A's, a -9, 2 -4's and a -8A on the field.
I got mine at the Lubbock TX FSDO 4 years ago, was pretty much painless but lasted a long time because the one trained and experienced inspector there was using my case to train two other new guys - so we went full bells and whistles and I was there about 4 hours.

You should bring your printed builders log, and the paper docs pertaining to the plane and your purchase of the parts, and lots of pictures of you doing work on the plane. They will ask you a bunch of questions like "Where did you put XXX" and "How did you do YYY" trying to see if you know the answers off the top of your head or have to dig for the information - the way you answer will tell them pretty quickly whether or not you built the airplane. They are trying to weed out the guy that bought it versus built it.
I got mine at the Lubbock TX FSDO 4 years ago, was pretty much painless but lasted a long time because the one trained and experienced inspector there was using my case to train two other new guys - so we went full bells and whistles and I was there about 4 hours.

You should bring your printed builders log, and the paper docs pertaining to the plane and your purchase of the parts, and lots of pictures of you doing work on the plane. They will ask you a bunch of questions like "Where did you put XXX" and "How did you do YYY" trying to see if you know the answers off the top of your head or have to dig for the information - the way you answer will tell them pretty quickly whether or not you built the airplane. They are trying to weed out the guy that bought it versus built it.

Did you have a letter of recommendation from the DAR? That may make a difference as well.
Operating Limits

Don't forget that I your Op Lims are part of you Airworthiness Certificate.

I forgot to bring mine! I got lucky and the inspector pulled up a copy that was on file with the FAA.
I asked about that and was told it only applies to A&Ps.

Not necessarily. I've been issuing "Letters of recommendation" for Repairman Certificates for quite a number of years. I showed an example to FAA inspectors in Oklahoma City, and most liked the idea. Some FSDOs don't want it but most I have dealt with appreciate it and give it some weight.
Don't forget that I your Op Lims are part of you Airworthiness Certificate.

I forgot to bring mine! I got lucky and the inspector pulled up a copy that was on file with the FAA.

Thanks Rick. I didn’t think of that. Just put a copy with my paperwork.;)
Hi Tom,
Are you using GSO FSDO? They have always been a good group to work with and have done a bunch of RV's in the past, including mine. I didn't get a repairman since I'm already an AP/IA . Come visit us at 8A7 when you get out of phase 1. We have 2 6A's, a -9, 2 -4's and a -8A on the field.

Hi Bill.
Yes, I am using the GSO office. Good to know some other RVer’s are near by. :) Your a tad too far out of my phase 1 designated area but I’ll definitely be dropping by. Dreamed of $100 hamburgers and fly-in breakfasts all durning my build and a month after my first flight the bottom dropped out and everything I was looking forward to vaporized. :eek:
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Not necessarily. I've been issuing "Letters of recommendation" for Repairman Certificates for quite a number of years. I showed an example to FAA inspectors in Oklahoma City, and most liked the idea. Some FSDOs don't want it but most I have dealt with appreciate it and give it some weight.

Yes - you issued one for me, and I had carefully laid it on a spot on my builders worktable where it would be easy to find - and it promptly got a partially filled oil cooler laid on it and got oil soaked. I did my best to press it between absorbent sheet without solvent to get it cleaned up, and when I presented it at the FSDO they laughed when I told the story and said "Yeah, we've seen that before, believe it or not."
Do you have a link to the "Airmans Bill of Rights"? I get investigation Pilots Bill of Rights when I search. Im getting my DAR inspection in Sept and want to get everything I can to be ready. Thanks

Here you go!

Many of the FAA Inspectors are working from home now, so some procedures may be different. Call your FSDO and ask how they are currently handling it. Below is the "normal" procedure.

To apply for your repairman’s certificate, call your local FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) and make an appointment with an airworthiness inspector. Take the following documents with you and be prepared for a short interview.

FAA form 8610-2 (application).
“Airman’s Bill of Rights” statement, Signed.
FAA form 8130-12 (eligibility statement) Signed and notarized.
A copy of your airworthiness certificate.
Aircraft logbook showing the airworthiness sign off.
An inspection checklist showing how you will conduct the condition inspection on your aircraft.
I can send it

Mel sent it to me and I’d be more than happy to pass it along. I sent you a PM with my email. Contact me and I’ll get it right to you.
Do you have a link to the "Airmans Bill of Rights"? I get investigation Pilots Bill of Rights when I search. Im getting my DAR inspection in Sept and want to get everything I can to be ready. Thanks

I'm having trouble finding the link myself. I'm working on it.

If you send me an email, I can send the form to you.
Thanks Mel and Tom

I guess I did find the form but I didnt think I had the right one. It said "Investigation" and that confused me. This is the form - Im sure it is not formatted properly with my copy paste, but will help find it. Thanks for the help Tom and Mel.

The information you submit on the attached FAA Form 8610-1 will be used by the Administrator of the FAA as part of the basis for issuing an Airman Certificate, rating, or inspection authorization to you under Title 49, United States Code (U.S.C.) section 44703(a), if the Administrator finds, after investigation, that you are qualified for, and physically able to perform the duties related to the certificate, rating, or inspection authorization for which you are applying. Therefore, in accordance with the PBR, the Administrator is providing you with this written notification of investigation of your qualifications for an Airman Certificate, rating, or inspection authorization:
· The nature of the Administrator’s investigation, which is precipitated by your submission of this application, is to determine whether you meet the qualifications for the Airman Certificate, rating, or inspection authorization you are applying for under Title 14 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 61, 63, or 65.
· Any response to an inquiry by a representative of the Administrator by you in connection with this investigation of your qualifications for an Airman Certificate, rating, or inspection authorization may be used as evidence against you.
· A copy of your airman application file for this date is available to you upon your written request addressed to:
Federal Aviation Administration
Airmen Certification Branch, AFS 760
P.O. Box 25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125 0082
(If you make a written request for your airman application file, please provide your full name, date of birth, or Airman Certificate number for identification purposes, and also the date of the application.)
I acknowledge that I received the Pilot’s Bill of Rights Written Notification of Investigation at the time of this application.
Applicant’s Name (Print)

Certificate No.___________________

Applicant’s Date of Birth _______________

______________________________________ DATE: ______________________________
Signature of Applicant MM/DD/YYYY