
Well Known Member
I am very interested in the capabilities of the GRT EFIS as listed on their web site, but I have not seen the feelings of pilots that have flown with them. I would love to hear your comments about funtionality, reliability etc. I am particularly interested in their linking with the TruTrak A/P and Garmin 430 and what you have used as IFR backup.
Just a few weeks away from flying with it myself. But you might be interested in the Yahoo GRT group. Lots of good stuff and reports there.

Linking your Tru-trak and GNS430 should be no problem.
Yahoo GRT EFIS Users' Group


Thank you for the referral to the GRT Users' Group. I have applied for membership and look forward to seeing what users are saying. I wish that I would be flying soon as you are. I am just starting on my fuse.
I was wondering why there were a bunch of membership requests in the Yahoo group when I got back from the airport...and then I saw this thread -

Welcome aboard Cleve!

I could probably write a lot more than anyone would want to read on how I am enjoying my GRT EFIS, but go look through the Yahoo archives and you'll find tons of info from folks that are flying it.

I'll just say here that I have over 200 hours on the Valkyrie with the Dual GRT EFIS, and have yet to have a single lockup, glitch, or hardware failure. The system has done exactly what it is advertised to do, and it has a tremendous potential for further expansion. I drive mine with a GNS 430, and link it to a Pictorial Pilot ad Altrak from Tru Trak - all play together extremely well. The GRT is a true EFIS - with an emphasis on the "S" for "System". It really puts all of the necessary information in front of you, and makes flying with an autopilot in IFR a breeze.

There are other good systems out there, and I suspect many more advancements in the future from all the manufacturers, but I think you will be pleased with it here and now.

Thank you for the good information & the work you do on the Yahoo website. I can't wait 'til I can fly my RV & EFIS!