Don Jones

Well Known Member
Curious what expensive mistakes others have made during construction of the airframe? For me it was my most recent edge distance mistake while drilling the engine mount brackets to the longerons which required new longerons:eek: as well as the mount brackets. The parts themselves were not that expensive, but the freight was absolutely rediculous.

I can tell you that the second time you bend the longerons it goes a lot faster:), just tastes really bad going down.
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The plane is not done yet :D could be more expensive mistakes. So far it was those stamped aluminum angles we use by flap brackets forgot the part #. I reordered the angles because I cut them three times and they were still short.

Now I am at electrical stage and moving very sloooow trying to learn as much as possible before connecting something. That's totally different measure of expensiveness :).
Screwed up a HS spar on the -10. About $60 for the part, over $200 for shipping.:eek: I had to redo the HS skins thanks to a windy day and the parts were about $80 but the shipping was under $40. Go figure. No truly expensive mistakes on the -6A but I am being much pickier on the -10.
dinged up the rear spar on my -4 while tightening the straps on the skins. i over did it and the wood block used (per plans) dug into the spar. i think i spent 35 for the spar and 150 for shipping. i guess many of the parts we destroy can still be used but at night when your in bed tossing and turning.... well you get the point.