
Active Member
Well, the infamous Section 29…

Attempted rolling the mid fuse skins. The right side went fairly well however the left one developed a tear at the relief hole. At $166.50 plus a large shipping fee (cost TBD), I’m pretty gun shy to try again. Before I place the replacement order, I’ll attempt the forward fuse skins just in case…
Any thoughts and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Has anyone used a sheet metal shop to do the rolling?
Not uncommon... Depending on the size, you make a larger relief hole or stop-drill the crack/tear, fill prior to paint. VANS would have final say.
Not uncommon... Depending on the size, you make a larger relief hole or stop-drill the crack/tear, fill prior to paint. VANS would have final say.
I've not had this problem. But I can say if you are going to have to roll a sheet of metal and have a relief hole at the edge of the roll. Make sure you clean the hole very well and I actually sand with fine sand paper to make sure there area no stress risers to allow a crack to start. And not in and out of the hole but around it. These practices have given me many a rolled and not cracked pieces of sheet stock.
My luck varies Fixit
I developed a crack in the conical bend on my RV-7 side skin on one side from overworking the material. I extended the relief hole to be a relief notch along the crack about 3/8" and smoothed over all the edges. For the cost, time, and no guarantee I wouldn't crack it again, I never considered replacing the skin. IMG_9404.jpg

mine looks similar to Girraf’s photo above, l consulted vans and there followed their advice to blend it out and from memory to use some proseal around the area once riveted.
16 years later and it’s absolutely fine. My suggestion is to consult with vans follow their advice and build on.

regards Peter

mine looks similar to Girraf’s photo above, l consulted vans and there followed their advice to blend it out and from memory to use some proseal around the area once riveted.
16 years later and it’s absolutely fine. My suggestion is to consult with vans follow their advice and build on.

regards Peter
Expensive???? you just went to school and learned a very valuable lesson.
The bigger problem is just getting the new parts now adays.
Try having your fuselage in a rotary jig and laying on it's side and have something drop on it. Then it's expensive and time consuming to get that big dent out. No I didn't do it, just know somebody that did.
But my luck varies Fixit
I developed a crack in the conical bend on my RV-7 side skin on one side from overworking the material. I extended the relief hole to be a relief notch along the crack about 3/8" and smoothed over all the edges. For the cost, time, and no guarantee I wouldn't crack it again, I never considered replacing the skin.
I had considered a stop drill but I think this is too far gone.


I believe I was too aggressive with the bend and allowed the bending block to slip.

As abwaldal said, lesson learned. After all, that’s one of the principles of EAB, right? It’s just a bit frustrating after completing the right side correctly.
Ouch…that’s a big tear. I’m a strong advocate for accepting some minor blemishes but that’s probably deserving of replacement
Ouch…that’s a big tear. I’m a strong advocate for accepting some minor blemishes but that’s probably deserving of replacement
Yup. That’ll be ordered after I complete the forward skin bends. In for a penny, in for several pounds. Welcome to airplane ownership. 🤷‍♂️
Yup. That’ll be ordered after I complete the forward skin bends. In for a penny, in for several pounds. Welcome to airplane ownership. 🤷‍♂️
Congrats, flying requires self-discipline. Building an airplane requires even more, particularly when you know you could get by, nobody will know, likely not be an issue while I fly the plane. etc... but deep down you just know its not quite right and should be redone or repaired before building on. Self-discipline makes you do right! Sorry for your misfortune but hey it happens to us all sometime.