
Well Known Member
Would like some help analyzing the photos of my #4 exhaust valve. Rather than seeing a color change around the periphery, I see color changes in the stem area as if the stem is not conducting the heat away from the face of the valve.

The first two pictures are of the #4 exhaust valve. The final picture is of the #2 valve, which matches 1 and 3.

Sorry about the light reflections in the pictures. My scope's mirror throws some light back into the lens.

[/url]Screenshot 11 by eagle15, on Flickr[/IMG]



Thanks for any insight you may be able to provide.
Slightly eccentric but ok burning pattern, though difficult to ascertain given the angled shot. A burning pattern centered on the stem is normal.

Suggest the use of a better scope, rotating or dual head, plenty of VAF threads treating the subject.
Kinda looks like burnt pizza

I see no green or asymmetric burn patterns. If it looks like a burnt pizza, and the look is even all the way around you're good.

You'd know if there was something going on. It'll have an uneven burn pattern and be really obvious.
One other thing. I'd suggest getting the scope that has the flexible gooseneck. You hook it to your computer or tablet, sick it in a spark plug hole. push a plunger, and the camera and light will do a 180 give you a great view.
Thanks for the replies so far.
There's really no asymmetry or green color which is indicative of an exhaust valve failing around the periphery.
What concerns me is the symmetrical pattern centered over the valve stem which has a few color changes as it progresses from the center outward.
I'm wondering if that valve stem has ceased to transfer heat effectively.
My other valves have the same even coloration from center to edge.
There's plenty of guidance available for the classic exhaust valve failure identification, but none for my situation.
Sorry about the low quality pictures; I'm working on rectifying that.
Hello all, is there any similar expected patterns you would want to see on the intake valve, or is it a completely non-issue? Thanks.