Ron B.

Well Known Member
Working on my annual inspection (no it has not been a year but I would rather have my annuals in the winter) and once again I find my cylinder number 1 and 2 exhaust y pipe sagging down and touching number 4 exhaust pipe. Anyone else find this and have a solution. They are easy to move apart but do not stay in place.
Exhaust pipes

Ron, I am 21 hours into phase one and found the same problem.
I also am not sure of the solution other than to put something? between the pipes to stop heat transfer and abrasion.
Paul @ DVT 140015. N214PS
Exhaust clearance

Ron and others,

I de-cowled today at 46hours. This is my second oil change finally removing the run in oil. I checked the exhaust system as you requested. I found I had an 1/8th of an inch clearance at the cross over. I do not recall what the initial clearance was. Sorry I'm not very helpful at this time. The clearance may have closed I just don't know. I will continue to watch it and report back if anything changes. However at this time I do have clearance.

Interesting observation was the baffles at number one cylinder have been chewing into the top cowl and has taken a sizeable piece of top cowl with it. It has not penetrated the top cowl yet (but it would have) and I will need to take some remedial action to prevent further damage. It may have been due to my building techniques or due to design issues. Recommend all RV14 builders pay particular attention to this area. As I say it may be just my build set up or it may be an issue that could repeat itself.
Thanks for your posts


This is extremely valuable feedback, even if I am months away from the first flight. If I remember correctly, you all are using either a Lyc 360 or 390 and standard Vans firewall forward (and exhaust) set-up?
Standard FWF

James, Yes, Lyc IO-390 from Vans, FWF from Vans. Stock pipes from Vans and
stock baffles from Vans. I also had to cut down my baffles and make a minor repair on top cowl from abrasion....they are a bit tall and touch likely during wet dog shake.
Paul. 140015
Mine is stock exhaust and IO-390 from Van's also. I have not noticed any problems with the baffling though.