
Well Known Member
In phase I for my 9A. Have been having a lot of difficulty keeping the RIGHT exhaust pipe (has the heat shroud) clear of the motor mount and the surface of the cowl where it is radiused for the air scoop. I have tried twisting the pipe, adjusting the hangers, trimmed away some of the aft cowl edge. It seems when I get the pipe to lear the engine mount it wants to hit the cowl at the radius, and vice versa. I have a friend who is an IA/A&P and he has suggested having the exhaust pipe modified at those two points, specifically, he has suggested having it flattened at those points to improve the clearance. Has anyone else done this or modified their cowl. I am getting quite frustrated with the problem!

Peter K
9A Phase I
I had the same problem with my right exhaust. I finally removed the supports from the rubber hose and cleaned the inside of the hose and the end of the tubing that goes into the hose with MEK, wiped dry with clean cloth, reassembled and clamped the hose very tight. That seems to have done the job. RV-9A 320 hrs. I have had to adjust slightly on the annual.
A-model exhaust

Suggest a piece of 3/4" auto heater hose around the lower braces just in case the pipes rub. It only takes one flight to do serious damage if that exhaust mount allows the pipes to get up against the engine mount braces.
My left pipe drooped until I:
1. shortened the lower hangar rod approx 1/2 inch
2. filed shallow grooves in the rod so the rubber hose could grip it better

Hasn't moved since,