Well Known Member

I made my first log book entry!

I have been helping a fellow RV'er and CFI work on his -10 and in exchange he got me a log book and signed off on the half hour we flew a few weeks back. I guess now I'm en route to getting my license, however long that process may take.
Just the beginning!

Thats wonderful! The best part is that whether it is the first log entry, your 100th or your 1000th, they will all have meaning and a great memory. I logged my 1st IFR training lesson 2 weeks ago and now have 5 under my belt. Have been a pilot since 1981 an have just now decided to go to the next level (getting ready for those long -X-countries in the 9A).

Let me pass on something I was told by my first instructor....never get lazy with your logbook comments. During your primary hours, they will be filed with comments on what you did, what you accomplished, etc. Once you get your license, and you are just "flying around", it will be harder to be original. But hour after hour of comments saying "sightseeing" will mean nothing twenty years down the line. Use your logbook to build your memories - who you took along, what you saw, what you learned. Was it your birthday? Someone else's? Were inspired by some event? Did something unusual happen - like your first REAL engine out? Did you scare yourself? Learn to write small and put it all in!

Decades from now, you'll be glad you did!;)


Everything Paul said is so true. I was given the same advice 43 years ago and now have a wonderful stack of memories. Done right, you could use it as an outline to write an autobiography.

John Clark ATP, CFI
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
I'll vouch for that. Write down the stuff that you're shaking your head over, it'll be worth it years down the road. So what if there is not room on the single line in the log book - use three lines, who cares? You'll cherish that info later, or your kids will. Nobody says you have to have 10 flights per page. Quality over Quantity.