
Well Known Member
I haven't been posting much to allow me to concentrate on getting an IFR helicopter rating. I finished the airplane IFR in January.

During my quest, I managed to convince Glenn Brasch my good friend, RV builder and former police helo driver to go through the process with me. Glenn is a CFI and has had an IFR ticket for many years so he was a little head of the game. He quickly said it would be like starting over because it had been so long since he had gotten his IFR ticket and 1994 since he touched the controls of a helicopter.

Well, I convinced him and we completed the journey yesterday by taking our IFR Checkrides on the same day. I took mine in the morning, Glenn in the afternoon. Glenn should also be praised for doing this in a helicopter he had never flown before when we started.

We were honored to take our checkrides with Rich Lee. Rich is the Chief Pilot for Boeing helicopters and has over 48,000 of helicopter time since 1969. He is to helicopters what Tiger Woods is to golf. As a side note, Glenn may have the honor of being Rich's last checkride as he said is going to give up doing rides on the side..

Now for job applications to go out.

From left to right, myself, Glenn Brasch, Rich Lee, Mike Kirchner (instructor)
For youse guys freezing your arses off it was 73 yesterday.:cool:
Thanks for the kind words, Darwin. Now I have to get back to finishing my RV and join the ranks of you RV flying guys!
Congratulations on the rating, and good luck with
your job applications. It's nice to hear of someone
accomplishing an aviation goal this time of year.
We're still waiting for spring in Ohio, and with the
tone of the email lists getting 'Testy' as they do
every year about now, the flying season can't
come too soon.

Hope to see you again at OSH,

Congratulations on the rating,
We're still waiting for spring in Ohio, and with the
tone of the email lists getting 'Testy' as they do
every year about now, the flying season can't
come too soon.


My snow and cold bound buddies that fly RC we call it "GPS," Grumpy Pilot Syndrome!!!! Certainly applies with the "ride in" airplanes too. Personally, I don't know how you do it.

That's quite an accomplishment guys - never having gone after the rotary-wing rating, I can't imagine doing both it and the IFR in one of those contraptions.

Now, when your examiner announces that it was his last check ride, I have to wonder if he figured that out BEFORE or AFTER he rode with you.....;)

I'm envious - sounds like a very cool thing to go and do!

Kudos on your IFR rotary wing. I remember the feeling I got when I saw my first Robinson R-22.... Just had to have it! I went on to get my Rotary Commercial and opened a rotorcraft school. The only comparable feeling is when I see any RV-8.
Lucky Guys


Congratulations on your new rating. If I can figure out a way to start flying helicopters, I'll try to follow in your footsteps when I retire in 11 years or so. I can't imagine a retirement job that would be better than flying helos. :)
Way to go Darwin!

That is awesome news Darwin! It's always a good feeling to put another notch in the accomplishment belt. Best wishes on your new occupational venture.

Congratulations. I would love to fly rotary wings, but I can't image doing it IFR - good work! Maybe someday I'll get an autogiro or something to play with. I have only flown once in a helicopter, an Astar, and it was a hoot. The guy let me "attempt" to hover - it was not easy for a fixed wing guy.
Have fun and be safe out there!

Congrats Darwin and Glenn!!! Very cool!

I am just starting my fixed wing instrument training (if the weather would cooperate). Now I know who I can call when I have questions. ;):D
Big Time Congrats!!

WOW!!! I heard only 2 percent of the total pilot population that has ever lived has even achieved Commercial rotor... let alone Instrument Rotor... Thats worth a HUGE Congratulations..... I feel your pain... cause I'm working on my Rotor CFI and then the Instrument (yes you can do this in helicopters). It's cheaper to do it in an airplane first and then do the add-on ride. Congratulations!!!
Brian Wallis

We were honored to take our checkrides with Rich Lee. Rich is the Chief Pilot for Boeing helicopters and has over 48,000 of helicopter time since 1969. He is to helicopters what Tiger Woods is to golf. As a side note, Glenn may have the honor of being Rich's last checkride as he said is going to give up doing rides on the side..


Wow, that is almost 3.4 hours per day for every single day since 1969! There can't be anyone else with that much chopper time, let alone flying time!

Congrats to you both!
Helicopters are dangerous, and should be avoided at all costs...... :)

Guy at work always says: "Look at an airplane.....it WANTS to fly....now look at a helocopter....it's clearly something that has to be FORCED into the air, and given ANY opportunity, it will return to the ground of its own accord"

Seriously, congrats!
Congratulations Darwin, that's awesome!

As a side note, Glenn may have the honor of being Rich's last checkride as he said is going to give up doing rides on the side..

I hope it wasn't the *last* checkride for Rich. One of my employees has her CFII Rotorcraft checkride scheduled with Rich this Saturday. She had no idea he was so experienced until I showed her your message. She's really excited about meeting him!

Corbin Glowacki