
Well Known Member
Reading the Wright Brothers by David McCullough. Gets into the the trials and tribulations of being a home builder in 1903. At least they did not have to deal with the FAA! Excellent reading for any home builder!
Unlocking the Sky

And if you want to get Glenn Curtis' side of the story (along with Alexander G. Bell, Henry Ford, etc.) this book is very good: "Unlocking the Sky: Glenn Hammond Curtiss and the Race to Invent the Airplane".
great book

this is one the best books I have read about the Wright Brothers.

their burial site is the wooded area just off the left wingtip in Dayton, OH.

Salute, thank you!


Perhaps I need a new hat.

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Very much in agreement, I am about 5 chapters in and really enjoying it. These boys were the essence of who we are today. Always getting things done with what they had on hand, working through obstacles and setbacks, educating themselves along the way, working hard and loving every minute of it. Sound familiar to anyone that has built an RV?