
Anyone have the EXACT measurements of gear (outside of tire to outside of tire) on a tailwheel '6 and measurement of widest part of fuse (bottom skins that screw to wings)?
Measurement of tailwheel to prop flange on 0-320?
I'm trying to decide if it's feasible to bring an unfinished kit fuselage home to my one car garage to be able to do some work over the winter. Need to finish fitting cowling, and interior/panel work.
Thanks in advance.
should be able to squeak it in based on the pp set dimensions. that's where I would start. I'm building in a one car,,,,,errr one plane garage.
I vaguely remember the outer tire to tire dimension being 82 or 84" Fuse is a bit under 4'
Thanks A Bunch

Responses much appreciated.
I'd like to just stash it in there for the winter so I can get a few things finished up, such as cowling, panel work, and possibly the 'almost 14' setup from Alan.
Glad to hear there are others actually building in a single-plane hangar.
Thanks again.