
Well Known Member
For the Rotax 912iS builders, please check the tension of your #4 cylinder exhaust springs (aft left side). We found an exhaust leak at conditional and when removing the pipe, realized there was hardly any tension on the springs. After communicating with Van’s, it sure appears that our EX-00024 was manufactured or designed incorrectly. The only part available to purchase now is EX-00024 REPLACEMENT so there’s something going on here. Anyway, recommend iS fliers make sure the springs are stretched to provide appropriate tension and the attachments are in the correct position. Fly safe! -Jim


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With a little care, you can bend the tabs on both the exhaust stacks and the muffler to allow additional spring tension. I used an adjustable (Crescent) wrench to bend the tabs. This also allows the springs to be spaced further away from the hot exhaust tubing…


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Thx, the tabs won’t bend that far.

Curious how much gap your cyl #4 springs have, can’t tell from the picture. Ours pretty much had little to no tension. Actually removed the springs by hand with little effort…so they are definitely wrong.

I’ll take some more pics once assembled.
The loop on the tabs bend very easily. The tabs are very soft and you can bend them as far as you like. Just be careful not to upset the welds...
Spoke with Sterling at Van’s… guess there’s a lot of variability in welding those tabs…. bottom line is 2-3/8” from center of tab to center of tab…make that happen for the correct spring tension.


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