Paul Walter

Active Member
Evo Clipped ?.

Just a thought and i have no engineering experience or expertize in this area at all , so please go easy on me, consider the following.

1. Sport wing Rocket is a shortend and beefed up RV 4 wing, correct ?
2. The EVO wing is a completely new design, Correct ?
3.The EVO wing Rocket is faster with stall speed slower than that of the sport wing Rocket and infact I think i read where it stalls at 4 knots slower than an RV 8 - ???
4. So , with every one wanting more speed and the rocket guys that race may have touched on this area before, But - is it or would it be possible to clip the wings of the new Evo wing, much like the RV wing is shortend on a Harmon Rocket or F1 which inturn would give it more speed (faster roll rate) but in therory only increase the stall speed to that of a sport wing rocket, or maybe ever still a little slower (hope that makes sense). As i said it is just a thought in my head and this modification may not even be remotely possible.

:) Oh sure Paul...give the Rocket guys yet another idea on how to get even, that's all I need! ;)

Honestly no true idea here...I'm replying to keep it near the top of the heap so Mark or Tom or another EVO bubba will see it. Interesting question.

I imagine it would require some level of re-engineering, and either a shortened flap or aileron. Not sure if that is as simple on the tapered wing as doing the same mod on the RV wing that becomes a Sport F1 or HR wing.

I will say that the EVO cruise in the high teens would be hard to give up...its really a fine machine!

The wing could be clipped and some top speed gained.... But to do it properly means clipping it at the root. That would be a massive undertaking.... But it would reduce area with the least span reduction. That would be the best way to accomplish the task of reducing wing area....

The EVO has too much wing for it's speed and rides like a lumber wagon in turb, especially when the CG is aft.... But if you clip it, very much you'll have Lancair stall speeds... No thank yo very much.....

Everything in aviation is a compromise and the rocket gets the stall speed vs cruise speed compromise just right... IMHO

Doug Rozendaal
Thanks Doug, I didnt know it would need to be reduced at the root and that we would basiclly have a lancair type plane - no point (infact i have made it clear that basically I have no idea what im talking about on this subject).
I was thinking reduction on the outer edge.
Anyway just a thought. I would love to own a rocket, Evo or sport wing one day or even a Super 6 Rocket.
Just keep saving those penny's i guess.

Fishin is the Mission...


From a former Rocket owner standpoint, they are an incredible airplane and do many things very well. Mark Frederick spent alot of time, money and brain cells perfecting the EVO wing and the kit overall. You could contact him offline for more information or skunk works projects. However comma, if going fast straight ahead for pure speed with a long, paved strip waiting for you at the home drome, there are faster personal airplane options, if the F-16 isn't in your budget (I wish it was in mine:))

I liked my Harmon Rocket for the main reason that it was the only 180 Knot(cruise) airplane that could go SLOW enough and was sturdy enough to land on my 1500' turf strip. For the same fuel burn the Glasair 3, Lancair Legacy and even 0-360 powered Midget Mustangs are faster.


PS: Of course, if money is no object, my perfect personal airplane comes ready-built :)
My idea of fun...
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