
Well Known Member
For those who have used both, can you suggest which is better for the intial finishing of the cowl. Van's suggests using Featherfill over the epoxy coats, but I have a whole galloon of Rage Gold that I'd like to use if it would be at least partially effective at dealing with some of the imperfections and pinholes. Any thoughts?
Different stuff

For those who have used both, can you suggest which is better for the intial finishing of the cowl. Van's suggests using Featherfill over the epoxy coats, but I have a whole galloon of Rage Gold that I'd like to use if it would be at least partially effective at dealing with some of the imperfections and pinholes. Any thoughts?

The Reader's Digest version, Rage is body filler while Featherfill is a high build primer. Use the Rage to fill larger areas first then block sand to get the proper shape and form. The Featherfill can be rolled or sprayed on to fill pin holes and other small imperfections. Again, block sand.

Actually, any large voids should be filled with micro filler and epoxy and sanded to form.
RE:1/2 data point


I can only give 1/2 a data point. I have used rage gold. On the cowl as an example. Did the prelim cleaning/let dry. I then squeegied (sp) one coat of rage gold/let dry.....happens fast...and then sanded with 3M 120 open coat paper. Blew a stream of air over the cowl and recleaned. Did a second coat of rage gold followed up with the sanding. After cleaning with air gave it a good inspection and applied rage gold to any areas needing attention.....resand.....will it ever end. Finally ready for primer!!!!!!

I have not used featherfill??

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... still in the paint phase!!!!
Thanks Frank. Your experience is what got me thinking the Rage Gold might work fine. I just hadn't heard it anywhere else. Even if I have to touch it up later with something else (like Feather Fill) before I paint, I'm hoping the Rage Gold will be enough for me to get the worst of it so that I can prime the cowl gray and go flying.
RE:220 Open Coat Paper


I forgot to mention that I used 220 open coat on the 2nd interation of the rage gold.

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... Paint
went through the same issue

I just went through the same issue on the cowl prior to first flight and I used featherfill because that was what someone locally recommended, after two applications there are still pin holes in the cowling, on reflection I think I should have used the rage gold (I also have a gallon can unused) first and then the featherfill to finish later before I paint.