I used the Argus 5000 in my RV-4 a few times before I tore out the panel for its refit. The display is better than the gx55 gps I had. However, I never used it enough to learn the buttons very well. I ended up just using the gx55 even though its display was smaller and less conveniently located.

BTW, my Argus 5000 is for sale.
Argus 5000

I flew behind one for about 700 hours years ago (driven by the elegant Northstar M1 Loran)

Way ahead of their time, very useful when you learned the button "tricks," but not as useful handheld today.

It it's cheap and you have an extra hole, I'd put it in.

Actually it is already in an apache I bought for my son hooked to a Garmin 420.

Seems redundant. Does it have its own database and just use the Garmin for Lat/Long or does it mirror the Garmin screen?


Seems redundant. Does it have its own database and just use the Garmin for Lat/Long or does it mirror the Garmin screen?


It's been awhile, but I'm pretty sure it has its own database. I don't recall ever updating it though.

That airplane was the first one that taught me the habit of using two moving maps simultaneously (originally the argus plus a handheld Garmin, later added a 430). I would keep one zoomed way in, and the other zoomed way out for "big picture." I still do that when I have a panel mount plus a handheld.

It really is an elegantly designed interface, just not real intuitive at first.