
My son who was a student at U of Oregon was killed in an accident Christmas day. I wonder if someone has experience and could recommend a probate lawyer in Eugene. Since we live in Maryland, we don't have any idea where to start out here in Eugene. Hope this request is not out of line in the forum.

Thank you.

Bob McMeekin
RV-8 empennage
Sorry to hear about your son, hope you are hanging there OK.

I for one dont feel this is out of line at all, the VAF family being asked if they can help out one of their own.

I dont know any lawyers in Oregon, but hope you get the assistance you need.
Bob, I am so very, very sorry. I don't even have the words...

I have a friend who is a probate lawyer here in TX and I forwarded this to him. He may have a contact up in OR.

Here if you need us,

My son who was a student at U of Oregon was killed in an accident Christmas day. I wonder if someone has experience and could recommend a probate lawyer in Eugene. Since we live in Maryland, we don't have any idea where to start out here in Eugene. Hope this request is not out of line in the forum.

Thank you.

Bob McMeekin
RV-8 empennage
What a profound loss

Although I can't think of any way I can help you and your family during such a tragic time, I took a few minutes to read about your son on his U of O profile page at

What a profound loss of a truly wonderful person! His story of dropping out, hiking the John Muir Trail, then grasping his bootstraps with both hands caught my attention, because my young son and I decided to build an RV during our own hike of the JMT two summers ago. I think about my oldest children, their path toward finding themselves as young adults, and how deeply worried about your son you must have been for so many years.

I can't imagine the highs and lows you've felt during his life, but I know this RV community is about the people, not the planes, and I offer you my hand and heart in grief and friendship. I don't know when Tyson and I will next return to the JMT, but when we do, I will think of Rob often.

In sorrow,

I am an alumni of the Univ. of Oregon. I, too, have a college-age son. He is a senior this year at Southern Oregon Univ. in Ashland. This is close to home, and reading this affected me deeply. Your loss is profound and so very, very sad. My heart goes out to you in grief and sadness. We wish there was something we could do, something we could say, and we feel so helpless. Please just know that you're not alone. Our hearts and prayers are with you.
Thank you

Thank you all for your thoughts and helpful comments. I was really surprised at how quickly you responded, and we are very grateful for that. We located an attorney and are slowly coming to grip with the emptiness we feel.
So sorry, Bob...

...and with 8 grand children of my own, I can't imagine your pain!

I've already rendered an earnest prayer for your comfort.

Aviation lawyers

I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. My thoughts are with you and your family.

I can't help you with a probate lawyer, but here are a couple of lawyers in the Portland area that have helped me with aviation related issues in the past. I haven't met either in person, but they both seemed like good guys when I've spoken to them, and a pilot-to-pilot connection could be a starting point for you. I don't know their scope of practice, but it could be worth a call for possible recommendations.

Mike Vanhoomisen

Stuart Smith

You might also post a note on the site. Lots of UofO alumni and probably some lawyers.