
Well Known Member
I was wondering what happened to the ethanol test that was being conducted a while back. (different rubber items beeing soaked in different solutions containig ethanol). I tried the "search", but could not find it anymore. Does anybody know where to find the thread and ho it ended?

Regards, PilotTonny
Pilottonny said:
I was wondering what happened to the ethanol test that was being conducted a while back. (different rubber items beeing soaked in different solutions containig ethanol). I tried the "search", but could not find it anymore. Does anybody know where to find the thread and ho it ended?

Regards, PilotTonny
I believe that the "Vanguard Squadron" has been flying on ethanol since around 1993.

Here is what I found from a Google search.


Here is a paste from the bottom of this page.

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The ?Ethanol Powered Vanguard Squadron?
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This promoter of the clean fuel flies airplanes powered by fuel from the corn belt of America. These experimental aircraft that are built and flown by South Dakotans, and designed at RV-3A?s by the aircraft designer. All squadron aircraft are equipped with Lycoming IO 320 engines modified to 180 hp and boast and impressive 10/1 compression ratio. [/font] [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The squadron began it?s ethanol powered program in January 1993 and has operated on only ethanol ever since. The pilots have flown numerous precision formation and aerobatic demonstration across the country. They have also flown and been honored at the worlds largest airshow in Oshkosh WI.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Come and see this amazing aircraft and the fuel of the future at work before your very eyes.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

That was my thread you're thinking of. I was going to post something a few days ago, but I figured everyone had pretty much made up their mind about auto fuel in airplanes, so I didn't bother. My conclusion is that the alcohol will ruin ordinary rubber. (big surprise, I know) The pro-seal, carb and gascolator gaskets, as well as a vans fuel cap gasket, held up pretty much the same in auto fuel with ethonal, without ethenal, 75% alcohol and avgas. I also let everything dry out for a week and everything seemed to be in the same condition as it was the day I started...except the ordinary rubber pieces. Any questions class? =)