
I'm in the early stages of the build, absorbing as much as I can at this stage. So last week at Airventure I picked up this handy tip.

Put all the bagged parts with the same part number in a single container!
Dasani 12 oz water bottles make great containers for rivets!

I used my handy Dymo labeler to label the rivets for the water bottles and a fine point sharpie identifies the components compartment boxes ($2.99 HF)

My expectation is that I'm less likely to grab the wrong rivet or bolt this way.


You're doing the right thing! Be very careful when choosing one of those compartmentalized trays. Yours looks like a good one but I put all my #8 machine screws in one with each dash number in a different compartment. I dropped the tray once and all the dividers all popped out. It took me weeks to get them all sorted out again.


You are doing it right with the will save you loads of time during the build!
Parts bins

My Mentor Dave Paule tipped me to those bottles. Fabulous idea. I also use paper bowls for the bench. I put the bottle in the bowl and dispense only what's needed for the job. Since the bottle is labeled, I always know whelat size is in the bowl.
Harbor Fright sells 40 drawer bins. I have one each for nuts, bolts, washers and misc. Every drawer full. I use storage bins for smaller parts. My Excel inventory has nots for where every part is located. Then I use a building storage bin for all the parts for the component in progress.
Very clever good job Dave. Organizing is very important each of us is doing it our own way. I like yours. :)
My Mentor Dave Paule tipped me to those bottles. Fabulous idea. I also use paper bowls for the bench. I put the bottle in the bowl and dispense only what's needed for the job. Since the bottle is labeled, I always know whelat size is in the bowl.
Harbor Fright sells 40 drawer bins. I have one each for nuts, bolts, washers and misc. Every drawer full. I use storage bins for smaller parts. My Excel inventory has nots for where every part is located. Then I use a building storage bin for all the parts for the component in progress.

And you can save space by running a screw through the cap of those bottles upward into the bottom of the shelf above your workspace - and then screwing the bottle into the cap. Apply the label on the bottle showing contents for proper orientation after the bottle is screwed into the cap.