Phil Sprang

Well Known Member
This may apply to the RV-10 as well but I'm not that well versed in the -10 wing layout

I just finished the construction of my SkyDesigns ER fuel tanks and installed outboard Cies fuel senders as well. Just like the standard tanks, there are Zee brackets that attach the tank to the wing spar. The Zee brackets are approximately 1.5" deep. The wires off of the outboard fuel sender stick straight out, or in this case aft, towards the spar and the wires are quite stiff near the sender as they are encased in adhesive lined heat shrink.

While at Airventure, I noticed a Cies sender with a 90 degree bend in the wires, right as they exit the sender. I thought that this is a much better setup for the outboard sender, to keep it away from the spar. One additional factor is the tie down extrusion that is fastened to the spar very close to the sender.


It has always been my intention to run the outboard sender wires towards the wing root through the holes in the Zee brackets. Notice the grommet, since moved to the upper hole in that bracket.

I spoke with Cies at Airventure about this and they said that when they bend the wires at 90 degrees, they put a little V notch in the aluminum, where the wires will lay. They also said that it was completely fine to heat up the heat shrink and bend the wired over. Since I'm doing this after the fact, I can't put in a V notch and so I'm not bending the wires as sharp as they can at the factory.

So, after getting home yesterday, I gave this a go. It was quite simple. I used a butane pencil heat gun but most any heat gun should work. After applying some heat, I bent the wire bundle over and let it cool. They stayed in the cooled position.

I chose to point the wires towards the upper hole in the Zee brackets in Arden to keep them away from the tie down extrusion. I'll make the wire connections in the next bay inboard.



If I were to order Cies senders now, knowing what I know, I'd order the outboard senders with the wires bent 90 degrees at about 45 degrees from what I call the king bolt hole(the one closest to the Zee bracket). The holes in the senders are not symmetrical.

Besides speaking with Cies about this, I spoke with Ken as well. He should be familiar with this, if you ask him.

This may be a solution to a non issue but I felt that the bent wires were better than trying to force the wires over.