
Well Known Member
I did a quick search but didn't find what I was looking for. I am etch priming all the interior parts on my new build. I know you can't spray a top coat over etch primer such as in the cabin and baggage area. But can you spray epoxy primer over the etch primer to obtain proper top coat adhesion? I am using PPG products.
I did a quick search but didn't find what I was looking for. I am etch priming all the interior parts on my new build. I know you can't spray a top coat over etch primer such as in the cabin and baggage area. But can you spray epoxy primer over the etch primer to obtain proper top coat adhesion? I am using PPG products.

Overcoating various PPG products with DPLF is on the first page of the datasheet:

I have sprayed PPG DPLF over the Vans QB kit clear interior primer, followed by DBC color and DCU2021 clear. Still looks good.
I think I read that post. It sort of answered my question. Im not using rattle can. I have PPG 2 part etch primer.
Jet Flex

Ask the manutacturer to be certain but usually a fully cured primer must be at least scuffed for mechanical adhesion. Depending on manufacturer recommendations, they may suggest the primer and paint be applied within a specified window for chemical adhesion. Spray test panels to be certain.
Unrelated but I sprayed Jet Flex SB over P60G2. Based on SW recommendation, paint was sprayed within 30 minutes of primer.
Not sure if this helps but at least it is another data point for information sake.

I had used NAPA 7220 Self Etching primer on the steel steps. When GLO painted over them the JetGlo did NOT adhere well at all. They had to be stripped down reprimed and repainted.