
Well Known Member
At my airport they have no shade or closed hangars available at the moment and the wait might take some time. I live in Florida and it's possible to get hail so I would like to cover the entire plane and from the sun also. I'm thinking of using 3/8" closed cell foam rolls, the stuff they use in packing for boxes, and attach it to water repellant silver reflective material to slip it over the wings, tail, etc. I'm sure that even though the material is water repellant I'm sure it will still get pretty wet underneath on a hard down pour but at the same time it can breath some compared to using a vinyl material where it won't breath. Because we are entering the rainy season, will there be a problem with possible corrosion. I plan to make a slip on cover for each wing, fuselage, tail instead of one entire cover. I know Bruce Covers sells an entire plane cover but that's $1700 which of course I don't want to spend but I may not have a choice.

Does someone have a better Idea and/or materials to use to make this cover taking price into consideration? It would be for an RV-3

I have a Bruce cover on my -10 at KMTH. Covers spinner to half way down the tail. Wash or hose the plane about every 7-10 days. Spray Lucas spray on wax over the plane after it’s cleaned. So far no issues. I have seen no chafing as a result of the cover. If you do it yourself, keep in mind chaffing issues. Not sure if your area gets hail large enough to damage the skin in your area. Also Bruce probably has a show special price right now.

I have a set of wing and tail covers that I used while I was at a tiedown if you’re interested. Make me an offer.