
Well Known Member
Has anyone come up with a easy way to do this? the only way I have found to do it is to find approx location on the map, create a waypoint and then go in an edit the lat/lon and the name. a tedious process. Is there a way to copy the data to the card using the card reader?
On my Airmap 1000 I could rather easily enter the lat/long manually at the appropriate waypoint screen. The PITA was that I did it so infrequently that I had to consult the manual every time in order to reteach myself how to do it.
That's a good question.

The data is stored in a file entitled Data.Usr but I have yet to find the program that can edit the file, insert new waypoints, etc.

I've successfully moved the file between 2000s but not edited it saving all of the keystrokes reqd thru the gps.

The unit came with MAP CREATE software but that fails to install.

If you come up with an answer, pls post. I use the Lowrance a lot. I have many routes installed and would love to be able to create routes on my pc & then move them to the data card.

Tucson - RV9A
Entering Lat/Long

I have been through the manual three times looking for a way to enter lat/long without having to first create a waypoint and then editing it. In other words, enter lat/long, give it a name, save it.

maybe it's in the manual but I can't find it...
Good question!

I've always wondered why they don't just put private airports on there. NACO knows where they are, Jeppeson knows, I know where most of them are in my area, so why the h*** don't they just put them on there?

My wife's $150 car GPS has just about everything in the US on there. Parks, restaurants, schools, gas stations, etc, etc, etc.

A $700 or whatever it was GPS made for aviation doesn't show all the places to land? Really?

I have a 2000C and love everything about it except that. What's the deal?
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Me too

My Garmin panel mount 250XL with the most recent update does NOT show private airports. At least the ones I have tried to find. My GARMIN 496 portable includes private airports. You would think that since they obviously have them in their system, they could include them on the panel mounted units as well. My auto pilot is linked to my panel mount GPS, which I thought would be the best option. So I feel your pain. Seems like there would be a simple fix they could implement.
I started with a Lowrance EAGLE EXPLORER. It had no data base. You punched in lat and lon and followed the line. It had many nav pages that told you everything that you needed to get to point "B". It was great! and I still have it.

Then I purchased an Lowrance AIRMAP 100. It has a data base and it is a good unit. But it is missing some of the features that the EXPLORER had. But it would let you create a waypoint and name it with ease. I still have it. Now I am stuck with the lowrance foremat and went on to purchase a AIRMAP 500. They still dropped off a few things that I liked about the past unit. But it is a great unit that you can see in BRIGHT DAYLIGHT.

My last purchase was in 2005 and was an AIRMAP 600C. More items were missing from the menu, so I still use the 500 and am happy with it.

I don't understand the people that program these things......... I wanted to update, so I looked at a GARMIN 296, went on line and found the manual. The nav page is sad.......... I must be missing something. I need to find someone that has one, and have them go over it with me. But till then, I am not ready to give up all the information that LOWRANCE gives you to navigate with.

But back to the question............ On my 600C, at the mape page you hit the ent button, zoom down to "entered position" and enter the lat and lon...... it is assigned a number, just go to (press find) my waypoints and enter the name that you want. The whole thing takes about a minute.
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