
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I have had a lot of folks write to me and ask how I configure the displays on my GRT EFIS-equipped plane, and have always had to resort to written descriptions....well, I finally realized that a picture is worth a thousand words, so here I am, level at 8500', southbound, about 118 miles north of Neosho, MO. Just another day in (actually, out of) the "office".....


This is how I have seemed to end up when in cruise mode, using the new systems monitoring pages that came in v29. I have stated many times before that I rarely used the split-screen modes, but have come to like the new systems split, with systems on the left, and the map on the right 2/3rds. With one button push, I can go back to full-screen systems and engine data, which is nice if you are flying a complex departure, and trying to get things leaned out at the same time.

Generally, I leave the bottom DU on the full-screen systems page during departure and climb, because I always have a map on the GNS 430 anyway. I go to a map page on the bottom DU (or now, the split screen map/systems), once I am in cruise.

The greatest addition has been the Garmin 396 over on the right. This gives me two full-performance, database-equipped navigators, so that I can be flying one plan while "what-if-ing" with the other. I will generally put a multi-waypoint plan into the 430, following airways or fixes, and a direct routing into the 396. That way, I can see if I can take shortcuts. Since I have weather on the 396, I can plan diversions around rain or other nasties on that, and then manually transfer the new plan over to the main unit when I am ready. The autopilot will fly in heading hold on it's own, fly heading as commanded on the DU, or follow Nav from the EFIS or direct from the GNS. You just have to make sure you watch the indications so you know what it's doing!

Once I tried and got hooked on XM weather, I called GRT to get the XM box for the EFIS, but they are currently in a redesign, so I picked up the 396 as an interim solution. Now, I am so used to having it, I might end up with both! You can never have to many displays, or look at to many plans at one time.....

I guess the bottom line to this post was to say that if you have a dual-screen plus a GNS 430, you really don't have a problem with finding a place to put your map!


Impressive array of electronics......nice. I guess as a NASA guy you are used to all the help you can get, eh? :D
2 GRTs

Hi Paul,

I am planning on 2 GRTs with an sl30 and garmin gns300XL (IFR GPS/COM with map) in my RV7. I have spoken with Todd and Greg about the GRT weather option. The thing that I like about the GRT weather is that the moving map screen updates much faster than the 496. (Note: I am not talking about weather information updating faster, but the moving map screen updates faster.) Even so, my current plan is to have weather on the 496, because this gives me a 2nd GPS navigation and built in battery backup. (Note 2: I know that the GRT has multiple power inputs where one can connect a battery backup.)

Comments on the above proposed setup would be much appreciated.
Interesting to see that despite all the advances in electronics and these "Glass" cockpits... there on the left knee is... yes... PAPER! LOL :D

Sweet looking setup!

Jonathan - sounds like your system will suit you just fine. I haven't flown with a 300XL, but even if it didn't have a map, the 496 will give you an alternat emap page. I hadn't really thought about the differnece in update rates between the GRT and the 396 - I doubt that you'll even notice that the 396/496 is "slow" - yeah, the RV's are fast, but not THAT fast.....

And yes, I still keep the paper charts on board to keep me entertained - have to have SOMETHING to look at to stay awake while the airplane is doing the flying!

Paul (off to LOE....)
Ironflight said:
And yes, I still keep the paper charts on board to keep me entertained - have to have SOMETHING to look at to stay awake while the airplane is doing the flying!


And, with a GPS to know exactly where you are, and an auto-pilot flying the airplane,

You have much more time to look at distant areas off to each side, and then check the paper charts to see the detail of what's what.

And with the A/P, much more time to scan for other aircraft, birds, etc.


One sweet layout. Now I'm convinced I need that second display.

Where did you get that annunciator panel above your display stack? That would solve a lot of problems for me in my layout.


- Jim

I have a three sysem GRT display (Duel Horizon & Sport). I have my 300XL GPS/COMM feed the Horizon Display that has the ARNIC module via and it gives me a glass panel feed of the 300XL IFR GPS. In addition both the Sport and other Horizon display have the GRT built in GPS modules so the both display their own independent WASS GPS screens.

Yes I know that having three seperate GPS systems is overkill but with the 300XL I am IFR legal to shoot GPS approaches and the two extra WASS GPS systems are only $450.00 each and give me great backups. In addition my co-pilot can play all she wants with the HORIZON GPS map and it doesn't effect my display at all.

I also have the SL-30 so I can shoot legal VOR/GLIDESLOPE approaches if needed.

How did you mount your 396 over there by your right leg?

I'm planning to put a 496 in nearly the same position (using a RAM mount), but I'm not exactly sure of the best position or method of attachment for the base.