Rainier Lamers

Well Known Member
For those of you using MGL Enigma EFIS systems, there is a new update you can download and install from our website at www.MGLAvionics.co.za - go to the Enigma update page where you will also find instructions.

I was not going to include plates functionality on these units (as I did for Voyager and Odyssey) but the many users on the stratomaster list successfully managed to twist my arm (it still hurts).
My objections where related to the small screen of Enigma but it turns out that that is not a real limitation at all.

Here is what one of our Enigma users e-mailed me shorty after the release:
I just loaded the latest Enigma.bin version and loaded the plates.
I taxied around Lanseria and had the airport plate loaded. It was perfect and indicated were I was correctly at all times.
I then flew a letdown and had the letdown plate loaded.(with the Geo Ref) Once again it was perfect and showed me on all the legs correctly.
Very impressive. Not to many other EFIS systems can do that.
I'm showing it off to everybody around.

As usual, it's a free update.
You can create plates yourself using the plates compiler you can download (still in early beta but quite functional). You can use PDF files, BMP and JPEG images as source and the whole things integrates quite nicely with nacomatic.
The plates compiler allows you to integrate multiple pages into a single file for easier handling but also allows you to preprocess these files like scale them, rotate them (so the image shows the correct way in the EFIS without you having to do anything there) and suitable images can be geo-referenced so the EFIS can show you where you are (cool for airport layouts and taxi diagrams). Using the plates compiler you would normally create a single file that contains the information for one airport. Using the EFIS's nearest airports function you have quick access to these plates (but you also have a browser so you can look at other plates). In addition a seperate plates file can be created I have called "info plates". Effectively here you can put in anything that is not related to an airport - you could use that to include just about anything - the plates compiler application contains a short tutorial and sample plates and one of them is an image of the World that you can geo-reference - so when you call up the plate on the EFIS - it shows you where in the World you are (no excuse of getting lost anymore :)).
The EFIS has futher functionality that allows you to create "favourite plates" for quick access and you can also get to "recently viewed" plates equaly fast.

Enjoy !

CEO MGL Avionics

Too late to switch now without major re-wiring and cost, but may add one as my backup unit down the road...
