Rainier Lamers

Well Known Member
I would like to notify the groups that our Enigma EFIS production is currently not able to meet demand despite our best efforts.
We have started measures to increase production and are hopeful that we will achieve this within a 8-10 week period.

If you are planning to fit one of these units, please contact your local distributor as soon as you can.

CEO MGL Avionics
Rainier, sounds like one of those strange cases where the bad news is really good news------at least for you.

Congrats on having your product accepted so well:)

I know the Voyager has not been realeased yet. Is there a waiting list to get on out here in the USA. The Voyagers size will best fit my needs.
Rainier, sounds like one of those strange cases where the bad news is really good news------at least for you.

Congrats on having your product accepted so well:)

No, it's not good news for us. Nothing is worse than having to tell an exited, keen customer that you can't help him (in a hurry). That's even worse than not existing at all ! Even worse is a situation where you have an aircraft manufacturer reliant on a regular supply as he has standardised on your instruments - try tell him that he can't have any !

Perversely, we actualy have the manufacturing capability but have been caught out by long component lead times, in particular displays. We order these things well in advance (some items may take 6 months or longer to arrive at our door). This means we have to estimate how many items we need for the future. We got it wrong and underestimated. Badly.

We are begging our suppliers to make a plan - hopefully it will get us some parts a little earlier.

CEO MGL Avionics
I know the Voyager has not been realeased yet. Is there a waiting list to get on out here in the USA. The Voyagers size will best fit my needs.

Matt at MGL Avionics USA maintains a waiting list. Get your name on it.
With a new instrument there is usualy a waiting list and the first batch is sold out well in advance - usualy before we have even started assembling them.

CEO MGL Avionics
Matt at MGL Avionics USA maintains a waiting list. Get your name on it.
With a new instrument there is usualy a waiting list and the first batch is sold out well in advance - usualy before we have even started assembling them.

CEO MGL Avionics

Thanks Rainier.
