
Well Known Member
Hi Guys,

Just want to inform you about an 'new' soon to be released glass cockpit right here from my home country, South African. MGL Avionics manufacturers and exports a lot of avionics to the rest of the world, specialising in the ultralight category but has just taken a big step forward...

I think the traditional big names can learn a thing or two from these guys:
What I like is the openness of the system and ease configuration of different screens, placement of gauges, and loading of your own maps, voice prompts, PC software etc etc...Let's wait and see what happens at Osh this year with the other guys:

It should be available from the 3rd Quarter this year, initial pricing +/- 2000 - 3000$ depending on options

If you make queries to them make sure to tell them Rudi Greyling from the RV group from South Africa referred you. Just carrying my country?s flag high!!! No commission for me on this one :D I wish...

Kind Regards

Enigma Application program features:
9 fully user programmable screens using PC based editing software. Hundreds of highly configurable instruments and items in various forms from traditional analog to bargraphs, digital readouts, horizons, HSI, moving maps, etc.

  • Voice prompts in addition to visual and external alarms. Voice prompts can be recorded by user on PC to support different languages.
  • GPS moving map, map viewing, 3D synthetic vision displays (with terrain data).
  • Engine monitoring using up to two RDAC units (dual engines or many channels). Supports RDAC XB, XD and VD.
  • Additional features: Checklists, approach plates, any conceivable image.
  • Recording facility for primary flight data, GPS positions, engine monitor.
  • Downloadable flight log using SD/MMC card.
  • Open design with published data formats for map and terrain data. Published API for third party software developers.

MGL Avionics Enigma System


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Hi Rudi,
Have you seen the screen resolution and brightness in person? I bought a couple of their instruments two years ago and they were barely readable in the plane. They worked fine but I was always straining to make out what the screen was telling me. These were monochrome and not color screens. The price was very reasonable and I hope they have resolved the screen issues.
As an embedded systems software geek, I really like that they document their file formats/interfaces. Really cool!
rv9aviator said:
Hi Rudi,
Have you seen the screen resolution and brightness in person? I bought a couple of their instruments two years ago and they were barely readable in the plane. They worked fine but I was always straining to make out what the screen was telling me. These were monochrome and not color screens. The price was very reasonable and I hope they have resolved the screen issues.
Hi Rv9aviator,

I asked for a demo, but a demo will be in my area in 8 weeks time, since it will only be officially released 3rd Q, they can only get a couple to suppliers in 8 weeks. So NO I haven't seen the actual performance. I'm sure going to have a look, cause I know about the sunlight readable issues on most glas cockpits. Also the pictures above does not look like real life pictures, but it is sure worth keeping a tab on this one.

From their webpage:
High brightness compensated passive display (500nits). Sunlight viewable. Similar color performance of a TFT display but higher brightness at same backlight levels due to no active components on front LCD glass that block light.
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Re-boot to boot

On another experimental avionics list, one MGL user had problems with the unit re-booting when the microphone was keyed on the COM radio. It was one their B&W models, which one I don't know. So in this one case, installation and model there may have been a RFI problem.
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gmcjetpilot said:
On another experimental avionics list, one MGL user had problems with the unit re-booting when the microphone was keyed on the COM radio. It was one there B&W models, which one I don't know. So in this one case, installation and model there may have been a RFI problem.
GMCjetPilot, Naughty you, but it might have been a dud instrument; might have been a bad install, who knows, not enough info. I?m using a MGL instrument in my Ultralight and works perfectly.

Anycase nothing to do with the above model, nobody has got any experience on it. It is like shooting down a completely new Toyota car model based on an old model that someone else drove???

All I was trying to do is keep the general RV community abreast of new glass cockpits out there; and I?m also proud that it is South African. Will I use it in my plane, don't know yet, not enough info available at this stage.

Kind Regards

Hi Rudi,
Did not mean to bash the Company or you're mother country at all. I wish them the very best of luck. Anyone with enough guts to invest their hard earned cash into an aviation related business gets my respect. Let us know what you think after you see the demo. :)
No defense needed

greylingr said:
GMCjetPilot, Naughty you, but it might have been a dud instrument; might have been a bad install, who knows, not enough info. I?m using a MGL instrument in my Ultralight and works perfectly.
It is just one data point and is indeed a fact. I just think anyone considering the product may want to know. Clearly it can be for many reasons as you say.

greylingr said:
Any case nothing to do with the above model, nobody has got any experience on it. It is like shooting down a completely new Toyota car model based on an old model that someone else drove???
Never said otherwise. However I don't totally agree with your analogy. Typically a line of instruments tend to share common characteristics. Let's say for argument sakes the MGL has unfiltered power supplies or plastic cases which might make it more prone to Radio Freq Interference (RFI). THIS IS THEORETICALLY SPEAKING.

I never heard of Grand Rapids Technology (GRT) having a RFI problem. Greg of GRT worked for Honeywell, no doubt he has electronic architecture and mechanical protection against RFI. I AM NOT SAYING MGL does not have RFI protection, but I think it is good for someone to ask the question. May be there was an old issue they have now addressed? Who knows. May be the one case I heard of was an odd ball case as you say. If I was buying I would ask.

greylingr said:
All I was trying to do is keep the general RV community abreast of new glass cockpits out there; and I?m also proud that it is South African. Will I use it in my plane, don't know yet, not enough info available at this stage. Kind Regards, Rudi
Rudi that is cool and all I am doing is also sharing info. You put my comment in perspective and appreciate your enthusiasm. It looks like it could be a great product. No offense was intended.

I would ask if you could check out this technical aspect. Did the manufacture note any built in RFI protection, or has there been past issues in this area corrected. No need to pick on me, naughty you. :D

BTW I trained South African Airline Pilots 14 years ago on the B747-400 and they where great. With out a doubt they where one of the best groups of pilots I have ever taught, absolute Pros and Gentleman.
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It is at Osh

Hi Guys,

I still have not seen it in person, but I believe they are showing it at Oshkosh at the at Hangar B, Booth 2158.

If you are over at Osh and Reading This please take pictures and update us what you think of the real thing in person.

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I Have just seen this, they have updated their Q/A page.

Looks like they plan terrain data later, as an update.
Q: What about the terrain data ?
A: We use the freely available satelite radar image based STRM format from NASA. Terrain data and the related 3D vision displays will not be included in the first release of the application software due to time constraints. However, we expect to release this as one of the first software updates after the release of the Enigma system.
The manufacturer also posted on another forum, that they are also working on a bigger screen version, and will test the waters with it later...

It is a Good time for glass cockpits! Lots of competition. Good for us consumers!

Dual Glass RV-12?

If you are over at Osh and Reading This please take pictures and update us what you think of the real thing in person.


The Enigma generated quite a bit of interest with the folks I was with. It was not as bright as the other units and had more buttons. My camera is not the greatest but you can get the idea.

Interestingly the RV-12 was set up for a dual screen glass panel, did anyone notice?

Everything Started, nothing finished.