I'm New Here
Hello, I am a newbie to RV's, just bought me one last month after dreaming about them for over 10 years.
I have many questions, and guess I will show my ignorance first thing.
My RV6A has a 0320E2D high time engine, has great compression in the high 70's, uses hardly no oil, does not leak, and is very clean under the belly.
I have been flying certified planes and engines for the past 20 years and don't claim to know a lot about engines. But, my big question is ..... I keep seeing ad's for engines for sale and they say they are 0320E2D wide deck??????? some say narrow deck????? I don't know which one I have, but will be looking for another engine in the future or overhauling the one I have....... Advise.... please...
I assume I can keep flying even though the engine is past the TBO, I have a current annual and the plane is doing great.
Sorry I am so stupid, but need to learn...
Which engine can I use to replace what I have, I keep seeing .... conical mount????. Naturally if I had build and RV I guess I would be fimilar with these terms but I did NOT, so I am NOT.
Any advise would be appreciated..... Thanks
The O-320-E2D will run great way past TBO if properly cared for. My E3D (basically the same engine) had over 2800 hrs when I overhauled it and everything measured well within limits. Only reason I overhauled it was to increase HP.
I have seen these engines exceed 3000 hrs. Just keep an eye on oil burn and compression and you'll be OK for years.
BTW your serial number will end with an "A" if it is a wide deck.
I certainly don't profess to be an engine expert. But I've had a lot of the same questions as you have, and have been trying to glean any info I can to brush up on my powerplant knowledge.

As I understand it (someone feel free to correct me) The "Widedeck" and "Narrowdeck" refer to the width of the flange at the base of the cylinder where it bolts to the case..... Not 100% sure on that one.:rolleyes:

As far as mounts go, you have Conical, Dynafocal 1, and Dynafocal 2. As I understand it (again correct me if I'm wrong) the most common is the dynafocal 1. The mounts are angled in toward the center of the case at about a 30 degree angle and if you extended lines through the bolt holes they would meet in somewhere in the center of the case. On a Dynafocal 2 mount. they are angled the same way, only at about a 18 (15??) degree angle, so the extended lines would intersect at the flywheel. A conical engine mount is perpindicular to the length of the engine case and the bolts run through it parallel to the engine case.

another non-expert on engines

If I'm not mistaken, I believe another way to tell the difference between a wide deck and a narrow deck is to look at how the cylinders are fastened to the case. A wide deck has studs attached to the case with hex nuts holding the cylinders to the case. The narrow deck uses the Allen head cap screws to attach the cylinders. Please correct me if I'm off base here. Good luck!